✨ Suggestion for Vetex

Dude, this isn’t “just for me”…
Just because I’m a Verified Trader doesn’t mean everything I say about trading is an ‘evil plan to secretly grow richer’ or some shit like that.

I believe this mechanic will genuinely make trading better, as well as make the game more enjoyable.

Thank you for your feedback though :slight_smile:

I dont see how this would help the game, farming is not fun.

I can’t deny that this is a minor addition to the game at most, but I believe its still worth it.

Then just go play pure PvP based games…?
Leveling and obtaining these rare items is part of the fun.

All part of gamification and elements of game design.

But that’s the thing: there is no fun in farming

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My point is that there is tons of fun in finally getting the rare item you’ve been looking for.

I see what you mean. In other words the destination is worth the journey. Just this journey makes you stay up until 5 am and avoid human interaction and sunlight for at least 2 weeks.

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The chances can be tweaked like I said.
But thanks for understanding :slight_smile:

If they aren’t rare, then theres no point

Some say ThatOneGuy is still typing to this day :pensive:

I keep typing, deleting, typing, deleting, it’s a struggle :frcryin:

damn that’s tough :fist:t6:

I didn’t say they weren’t rare.
Also, you literally just contradicted what @LoreConquest12 said

Lmao rip I was waiting for you to say something

I probably will, probably not, idk.

I’ll just sum up what I’m trying to say here; not for it, don’t think it needs to be a thing. That’s all. Was gonna go more into it, like, why I think that way but fuck it I clearly cannot articulate my thoughts well enough to do that.


Alright understandable

I assumed that when you said “the chances can be tweaked,” you meant that Vetex could make it so the average player could actually find the time to farm for these items. .2% or .1% is unreasonably low for a recolor of another item. Also, (something I just realized) does this chance stack with the base items drop rate? If a bandit has a 10% chance to drop a basic leather coat on kill, does it have a .2%/.1% chance or a .02%/.01% chance of dropping the glistening ver? I’m guessing the latter.

Yes it stacks/multiplies out.
Thats why there would be heavy tweaking to the exact chances of Glistening items.
I’m not expecting people to get Glistening Sunken items, because that would be hard.
But what I’m saying is that for items that have a ‘decent’ drop chance, like 1/50 or 1/100, an added bonus of it being Glistening would be a neat mechanic to have.

Honestly at this point I would say the chance should be 1/100

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I think this is a fair, glistening items would be valuable but farming them wouldn’t make you go completely insane. However, I still think that this feature isn’t really needed.

(also, I’m sorry for taking so long to reply.)

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ok suggestion but i dont like the idea of shinies
no offense