Suggestion role?

i don’t want to sound bitchy or whiny or whatever word, but am i going about the suggestor role request wrong? i made the original submission about half a year ago but didn’t really go anywhere other than some quick reception and confusion about getting the member role (i hadn’t used an emoji yet)

i submitted some more <2 weeks ago and another <1 week ago within the same message thread, but the only response was someone removing themselves from the group message. i don’t want to bother people with better things to do, but some feedback would be nice to have, is there a better way i should go about this?

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Ever since a bit after suggestions initially opened at the start of last year, its been this story over and over again.
It’d be really nice if the people who read these (if they read these) would give some feedback instead of asking the sender to wait literally forever for a response that is not coming.


are all of the people posting in suggestions now people who’ve been approved around the time suggestions rolled out? ie they generally lost interest in the idea of it

issue with suggestor requests (and even other requests like artist request) is a lot of people dont read the requirements, send the wrong thing/dont meet the reqs, then dont respond for 3 months. a lot of us got sick of it so we all kinda stopped reading suggestor stuff. plus i quit doing suggestor stuff anyways since i didnt like doing it anyways

if you are that desperate to suggest stuff, i would recommend suggesting on the balance server instead in one of these channels
theres a chat level requirement i think though? but its probably easier than here

okay, thanks for letting me know, but would it just be easier on yourselves to say something along the lines of “not accepting new suggestors” where the banner showing instructions to apply is, or something to that effect to save time?

that’s understandable but why aren’t there new people doing this if everybody that was doing this got sick of it and stopped.