Sunken Giveaway Riddle

In some ways your guesses were closer to the answer than others, they’d just taken it in the wrong direction

so its something to deal with the au :thinking:

A sailor who has gone into the dark seas.

Peacekeeper’s last stand against Durza.

Theos losing his followers.




Damn, I was far off.

im thinking dark seas. final answer

Incorrect, but in a way it’s the first answer in the right direction

My final guess is the insanity effect.


My final guess is the AA player after theos dies


  • First one - Аctually I think people who said something about wars are right, cuz right there man is mind broken, he did something or saw something thats breaks his world view point, he lost his mind and now trying to get it back by talking with his: heart, head, light. In the end he is giving up and let void to consume his mind, so he finnaly lost his mind. Maybe he did decisions which lead to breaking his mind.

  • Second one - This one is probably hardest. Cuz you know, english is not my first and translator cannot translate it, so I don’t really know what did that mean. But probably man right now told us thats you shouldn’t regret things you doing and instead be confident in your actions, cuz this is short step to the win, but really giant in scale, cuz in battles of mind you shouldn’t lose confidence in your actions, your enemy won’t be able to break you if you confident in your actions. Uh hard to explain, but you should keep confidence for what you fightning for.

  • Third one - Here, a person took responsibility for his decisions and tries to believe in them to the end, even when everything around him is against him, these decisions have become a heavy burden on his mind that he drags along the path to the truth for which he made these decisions.

Final Guess - All these riddles in my opinion are connected, they are all connected with the difficult decisions that people have to make, sometimes people are consumed with grief after making them, and sometimes they are completely confident in their actions, and sometimes they carry them like a burden on their conscience. That is, all these riddles are 3 states of mind after making difficult decisions. And yes, here you can draw an analogy with the war, because there people often regret their actions.



From this moment I can actually say riddles are aimed at lore.

yeah no shit the riddles are connected

There is no hints like what we should think about? I can make riddle about whole existence of the universe and true answer will be some random meme, cuz no way, when you making riddle with a lot of meanings you should atleast give a hint on which direction you should think.

I’ll be releasing 2 hints everyday, since I’m going to sleep soon I’ll reveal the first hint in a bit

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At first glance this one is describing regret and responsibility. The passage of time and the reality of life. I think its probably something to do with regret of not completing a life goal.

My final guess is that could be Theos’ regret for not being able to help the Peacekeeper as much as he could.

Nvm, too late.