Sunken Giveaway Riddle

That’s actually a pretty smart guess.

yeah broken eggs on walls evokes the thought of the “King’s horses and men putting Humpty Dumpty back together again”

And “short in step but large in scale in battles of the mind” brings to mind the fact that in chess, the King can only move one square in any direction, but is the most important piece to defend


that might actually be the right answer

that actually works since a king is a physical thing and physical things can be it even if its wrong that opens up alot of shit

considering the closest answer so far has been king david silver its highly probable

on top of that the answers of the riddle are connected, so it only make sense that it’s something simply like a 1 word answer for each

honestly kings have been known to be holy

how much lore do we know about ramses II from AA cause I got a feeling it something about him with all the kings and hes a sea curse user and blah blah blah

thinking more this is ehhh

My guess to the overall riddle is Cernyx ;3

yeah king is definitely the right answer to the 2nd one
''short in step yet large in scale" can only move one square in chess
‘‘in battles of the mind’’ chess is a battle of minds
‘‘take up your cross when the time has come’’ the king piece has a cross above its head and is often only moved in a last ditch effort

for the third riddle I think its something like a holy knight healing his heart maybe? like hes done something he regrets and now the something he can do is mourn and heal?
for the first one im guessing something like a magical sea? like the dark sea has chaotic magic and the seven seas have non choatic magic… the depths (deepwoken)

I swear to god the depths from deepwoken actually sounds correctish like
my heart are you here? the depths is cold
my head are you clear? insanity from being in the depths
my light are you near? sounds like safe zones in layer 2 or fragments
the void shall I fear? sounds like deep divers
I will fully guess this when he comes back if nothing has changed

i guarantee the answer is not the depths bro :skull: :skull: :skull:

god I fucking hope so

Wow this had a bunch of activity overnight, will be going through all the answers in a minute
















You are just laugching.

To my surprise, someone has gotten the answer to riddle 2 Correct! Congratulations @DespicablBanana, the answer was, in fact, a King!