Sunken Giveaway Riddle

the first riddle is a completely physical thing

judging by the guesses its definitely something connected to the sea like an artifact or something

the word itself is likely not an adjective but more like an object related to the sea

Thought about this, what about a person who accepts death?
Final guess. I’ve guessed for the other two I think but not this one.

divanochi said its something simple

man its been 12 hours how havnt we gotten one

at first i thought the answer for the 1st one was related to Morock, but then I saw insanity being the furthest one from the truth so no

im gonna ask this are the riddle guesses from closest to farthest or random cause if they’re random rank them

its ordered from least accurate to most accurate, so for the 1st one insanity effects are the least accurate answer and the seven seas is the closest answer

For the first riddle, i think that its a ship that is lost in the dark sea and maybe lost its crew
The heart represents its crew
The head represents the captain
The light represents warding or the lights attached to the ship
The void is the dark sea

Final guess for the first riddle is a ship that is lost in the dark sea and maybe lost all its crew.


Totally random final guess:

Iris’ Vermillion bracelet

Riddle 1 final guess, drifting ship

Riddle 3 final fuess, smuggler

ooooo (body unclear)
with this
and with this
The answer to each riddle is a physical thing. Riddle 1 is completely a physical thing. Riddle 2 is a physical thing, but also something that a thing can be. The answer for riddle 3 has two meanings, one of them being a physical thing and the other being something that can be done. The riddle leans towards the latter rather than the former.
it could mean like wildness?

could it mean with the dark sea something unforgiving. its a physical thing so the sea, weather, magic? does that count?
also I swear to god if the 4th riddles answer is “story”

the answer was adventure story all along

actually wait we have infinite guesses for final riddle STORY IT BETTER NOT BE IT BUT STORY final guess 4th riddle

The Laws of Physics

It’s been 12 hours since my last guess, but on a hunch I’ll try again

Final guess Riddle 2: King