Sunken Giveaway Riddle

morock for riddle 3? he has done loads of bad things and promethean fire ig


Still has to be both a noun and a verb

Something to do with the burden of decisions and arms (either weapons or anatomical), a witness, and sorrowful news

honestly it gives off the vibes of the Dad in the Bagel Boys videos lol

morock creed
burdens of decisions and arms - his crimes
a witness - angel creed
sorrowful news - his death (?)

Problem is that Riddle 3 does NOT exist in the AU as far as we know

yeah morock died

does anybody know of like what happens after death? like depths or davy joneses kinda thing

ask freedrock lol

No afterlife or postmortem residence is mentioned in the AU as far as I know

fuck thought I was onto somethin

it also has to exist irl

i thought it was like the greek underworld or smth


Hypothetically it would exist if Greek myths exist, and yes Hades also exists, but we haven’t really seen the underworld for ourselves

Final guess?



Pay close attention to this