Sunken Giveaway Riddle

This is the full arcane lore doc

yeah the war seas does ig

so do the seven seas, and the old sea, and the dark sea, and the sky

Here are two things that used to exist in AU and no longer exist but still (kinda) exist in our world.

1st Mount olympus has been destroyed by cursebeared and there is a real mountain called mount olympus in our world

2nd Gods (if you believe in religion) exist in our world but have all been killed in AU by cursebeard and the peacekeeper

I think this is a word like execution but for a person who has sacrificed everything or something like the peacekeeper

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Okay, let’s do a recap on all we know about the 3rd riddle

The answer is something that has previously existed in the AU but no longer does

That same thing, however, has always existed in our own world

The answer has two meanings, one of them being a physical thing and the other one being something that can be done

80% of humanity

maybe its something that has previously been done but was lost to the durza boom or something

80% of humanity x2

a connected world

WAIT A MINUTE maybe we’ve been looking at “O, these dicisions I withstand their weght” wrong what if someone else did something and we have to pay the consequences like a ruler making more tax his decision has put more weight onto me. maybe it literally is like the durza boom where the world split into multiple seas or something like it


500th reply

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riddle 1 final guess: fish
riddle 3 final guess: a murderer



Imagine if I did something like this for the odyssey feed riddle, shit would be hilarious.