Sunken Giveaway Riddle

it’s the riddler


goofy ass villain name

goofy ass villain

goofy ass


or just put an invisible character


Because the answer to one is Earth and the answer to two is King, I think I’ll shoot at the overall answer even without the third riddle:

Gaia (Mother earth)

we have earth and king, what if it’s ramses or smth

ramses is sand and king

sand is earth

Mother earth: big and kinglike, is the earth herself. plus there could be a remote link to the last of the three riddles.

sand is a different magic smh

Dang it, I was too late.

The whole riddle hasn’t been solved yet, you still have a chance

Oh. Ok.

Guess I’ll give it a shot.

Hmm Earth and King, idk whats last one ecks dee

Could refer to burdens?

Again, burdens? Maybe something horrible happened.

This confirms something bad must have happened.

I suspect the narrator has been framed. Maybe they didn’t do it, but they could have an involvement in it.