Sunken Giveaway Riddle

So is it “Framed”? It’s something you can do.

A frame is physical and is something you can do.
“Frame a picture”
“Frame someone for your crime”

hey how good was my guess?

I can’t say anything about the true answer, the only thing I’ll do is congratulate the person that gets it once they say it

Ah. So I was incorrect…

Oh m bad didn’t realize you were submitting that as your answer

but yeah, it is incorrect

not mother earth or a frame then

Could it refer to Atlas?
The bad news could be his punishment.

1st line either references weapons, armaments, genuine arms, or potentially a coat of arms, like the ones used in heraldry
2nd line, more difficult to decipher, something like a scale, or a self-justified motivation?
3rd line might mean that a sinful, blasphemous act has occurred, one that instills grief or sorrow potentially
4th line could refer to a general witness or a god (from the speaker’s perspective, they could be a worshipper or zealot)

it still has to fit in the boundaries of not existing in the AU, but potentially having existed before, and is present in our modern society
other constraint of being both a noun (physical thing), and verb (something that can be done), and Divanochi says that the riddle leans towards the latter

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This guy has already gotten 2 of them correct. We didn’t stand a chance lol ;-;

(unrelated to your reply)

  1. Atlas? Carrying the Earth and everyone in it.
  2. The reason why Atlas is punished with this? The weight of his decisions and the weight of the world.
  3. The news he got referring to his punishment?
  4. Witness, a god? Maybe Hercules, or someone who can help him out of this predicament.

It could go in hand with the previous answers. @Divanochi

kinda reminds me of cain, the first murderer

I can only give feedback on an answer you submit once every 12 hours (to prevent rapidfire guesses)

Riddle 1 Guesses
  • Iris’ Vermillion Bracelet - Randomness (I)
  • Insanity effect - Catean (I)
  • Alzheimers Disease - Maple (I)
  • A Drifting Ship - ArthurKingsman (I)
  • A sailor who has gone into the dark seas - Neprimus (I)
  • Despair - Neotrinax (I)
  • A ship and crew lost in the dark seas - Habaza (I)
  • Awakening - rrvnsjrhjken (I)
  • Durza’s explosion - danthelastred (II)
  • Drowning - Clahmaster273 (II)
  • Fish - RealisticBanana (III)
  • A curse user drowning - Kaerrada (I)
  • Cursebeard Dying - DespicablBanana (I)
  • Peacekeeper dying from Durza vs Theos - ShadowJGaming (I)
  • A person accepting death - Iamalettuce (I)
  • A Man Dying - danthelastred (I)
  • Davy Jones - Robert (I)
  • Durza - RealisticBanana (I)
  • Arcane Odyssey Protagonist - Clashmaster273 (I)
  • WoM Protagonist - Depression (I)
  • Sea Curses - Sock (I)
  • The Void - Neotrinax (II)
  • Maelstrom - Kaerrada (II)
  • Peacekeeper after creating Magius - VDruid0 (I)
  • Water - Villu (I)
  • The Uncharted Seas - Trinatos (I)
  • The Dark Seas - RaveNitro (I)
  • Old Sea - RealisticBanana (II)
  • The Seventh Sea - CHFubb (I)
  • The War Seas - Tree_was_taken (I)
  • The Seven Seas - manakarnmatt (I)
  • Ocean/Sea - Sock (II)

A. Well, that sucks. I assume I got it wrong then, since it’d be more efficient to answer if it’s right or not as soon as possible ;-;

I’ll probably have a fresher mind tomorrow, since its late

second place, yay

My final answer for riddle 3 is forge. A forge is physical. You can forge things. You have to carry your arms (armaments) being in the world mentally. The decision of forging and bringing your weapons into the world is weighty. The news of your weapons being used for killing is probably sorrowful. The witness could be your mom. I’m sorry for that, I am not sure what the witness is.
