Sunken Giveaway Riddle


My guess for the third riddle is executor.

Who’s guess is the closest?


All the guesses are listed and ordered from least accurate to most accurate in the topic

Currently the most accurate guess is “slayer”

bro mb i cant read simple things for some reason

My Final guess for tonight is “Knight”

What about my third final guess for the third riddle?

I think it could be possibly a genocide or a mass homicide?

Also, did you mean executioner?

Those are a bit too different from each other to be one answer, which would you like to submit?


oh yeah mb, didn’t mean to guess a handyman who does things, I meant executioner

what if it’s soldier


is that your guess?

my 12 hours aren’t up but sure

Oh I hadn’t realized lol

Don’t mean to bug you but you haven’t said if mine was right or wrong.

My bad, added it to the lsit but forgot to tell you


Final guess Riddle 3: Doctor

thinking takes too much of my brain at this point lol might as well sleep