Sunken Giveaway Riddle

sadly boat isn’t also a verb
might be ship but just waiting for the Divanochi to rank “boat” on the list

yeah i’ve been thinking about ships since the dudes talking about destroyers and the pirates being pretty high on the list but i haven’t focused on the riddle for a bit lmao

AYO HES HERE OUR GOD (not a sentence)

“I’m going boating”

NOOOOOOOOO (not a sentence)

hint said it was one word it has to mean both an object and a to do something without changing

mfw it turns out to be ship

it isn’t, boat’s low on the list

if riddle 3 leans more towards being a verb, then the last line might be implying it’s an observed action


also is this right?

NGL I hope the next hint is just a word that comes even closer to the answer than what currently have going on right now

(Unrelated to riddle)

It can be, technically

well you guys keep cooking i’ll be back in 12 hours

how about we guess things like “a tool used to kill people” to see if its a tool used to kill people

What if we wheedle something out of Div?
I feel like it’ll take us a week at least to get this third riddle

tomorrow when bannanananananana man guesses

An answer that broad would land lower than specific tools used to kill people

yeah but if we find out “emotion” is higher then “dying” then its probably going to be emotion

my brain cant handle this