"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage

"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage
effort 4.821428571428571 28 quality 4.870967741935484 31 reasonability 4.971428571428572 35

I have over 100 speed and turning on my ship and around 18k durability.

I don’t typically bring cargo because the bronze repair hammer with a master shipbuilder is more than enough in literally any other situation.

I’ll start bringing cargo when the dark sea starts offering real threats to my ship that aren’t dependent on me getting flung away from my ship by 3 waves in a row while an armored brig spawns lol.

typin this so the chat doesnt get locked

me too fr

we need this, millions must bump

Bump number 347526

Ultrakill identified must now brag about P ranking the whole game


So i take your word that it can be heard beforehand

how you gonna know where it’ll land? even if you know it’ll strike?

there is a red glow, though very hard to see especially while sailing

im 9999% sure if the red glow was more obvious this suggestion wouldnt exist.

Someone even made a cool magic circle thing that appears before a lightning strike, that could pretty easily be implemented

the roblox lighting engine in question:

If it’s supposed to be visually telegraphed, it would make more sense for the visual to be something that consistently appears on low graphics settings.

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not letting this suggestion die—it takes forever to get around the dark sea, let alone get good loot. the pain of having like 30-40 dark sealed chests, only to get hit by lightning while trying to get out of the dark sea is real

The day this suggestion dies is the day vetex adds it.

So thisll never die lol


i arege

Good Suggestions never die.

Except the sea monster bounties, never forget

eh imo that one was kinda over-rated. if you read the agora it allready clued in people to the locations of sea monsters. all that did is make it a bit less of a “rush to get there”

it’s still a pretty cool concept imo, it kind of feels like you’re hired to be a sea monster hunter. agora doesn’t really help me out because everytime i try to hunt down a sea monster, they’re either in a different location or just not there

Yeah it would be nice but idk if it would ever be added tho