"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage

"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage
effort 4.821428571428571 28 quality 4.870967741935484 31 reasonability 4.971428571428572 35

it got the highest amount of votes on the forums for a reason


Cancel :lightning_magic_var3: on twitter

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Me when vrtex

:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


Makes sense, but the poison rain can just be removed with washing, and isn’t that detrimental.
The damage change, however, is a step in the right direction. The best option would be rapid indicators so its still unexpected, but provides a small window to react.
Maybe there are sparks in the air near where a strike will happen, or before a tornado spawns there are ambient swirling particles so you can react and move your ship before you get sucked in.

Literally any indicator before rain, lightning or tornado would be great. Since rn theres no indication that the events will happen at all.

Wait until Vetex adds a new “surprise” environmental effects like rocks falling from the sky in Nimbus Sea (they have been thrown by people from Skyhall)

This reminded me of the magic hail or whatever it is. That also killed me outright once when two landed on me within a second whilst I was sailing. Wasn’t fun.

long live this post

the ceveloper of carcane codyssey, cetex, should really implement this ceature. it would be very cood for clayers in cark sea expeditions, especially when theyre on low cealth


ik its not the main concern rn mainly cause what im about to say is sort of the intention of dark sea weather. but lightning isnt the only thing that pisses me off. its just about everything in the dark sea. it feels like the area has sentience and it has something against me. Waves seem to somtimes just phase through islands. so when im on an island, collecting a chest, there is a giga red lightning tsunami headed for it. or sometimes a tornado straight up spawns on my ship and i cant get back on so i have to wait. and then while im waiting, i get rain sickness and im about to die. but luckily the tornado goes away so i wash off and go back to collect the next dark sealed chest. then another tornado spawns on it like WTF

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smithed by Zeus

All my homies hate lightning

zeus’s curse

the undying thread

the unsinkable suggestion…

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