"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage

"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage
effort 4.821428571428571 28 quality 4.870967741935484 31 reasonability 4.971428571428572 35

With dark sea out, theres definitely a lot of people already that have had unfair dark sea deaths out at sea simply because of bad rng. And it probably goes without saying that having these environmental effects deal always the same amount of damage is kinda harmful for the game.
This was already somewhat an issue at the spawn island, where you either get the “Get struck by lightning” achievment in your first 2 minutes or otherwise in your first 50 hours but something that could be overlooked because its rare.

But not neccessarily anymore, this and Acid rain are probably the most hated things in the Dark sea rn, and them being able to bring down people all on their own or able to finish them off mid-fight is incredibly frustrating.

These 2 effects should really just deal damage based on your current HP. This wouldnt make Poison rain as hazardous of an effect as it is that can completely down you all on its own just because you were carrying a chest from the complete other side of the island, and on another hand allows you more of a buffer if you get it during a combat situation.
Meanwhile lightning isnt able to completely finish you off after a fight with no way to counteract it because theres no visual indicator for WHERE its going to strike but still leave an impactful mark incase you DO get unlucky enough to get hit.


Just wear more defense gear :hugs:

(but fr, me and a squadmate were fighting an atl, got hit pretty hard, THEN got struck by lightning - we were close so we both ended up with 100~ hp and nearly lost 30+ chests, lol)

The defense nerf sure comes in handy with this :))

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It still need some sort of warning


Painful to watch

This shit is hilarious NGL

I just hate lightning being able to hit us in general tbh, it is completely unfair, unavoidable damage that can EASILY mess up a run due to how much damage a strike deals to people in the first place.

It really just feels like a feature that vetex added so the world can be more “immersive” while sacrificing better gameplay and convenience in the process.

Now, to be fair, it happens, “rarely”… but sometimes I’ve been struck by lightning like 4 times in the span of 10-15 minutes so I don’t even think there’s a cooldown for these things.


I think maybe lightning should just be coded so its less likely to strike the player themselves. This would keep the sense of danger alive, have the constant lightning remain, and make getting hit by lightning funny and impactful, but remove the issue of it being far too common to the point where its a serious threat.


i only agree with rain but i disagree with lighting strikes. Blocking exsist for a reason

? There is no possible way to react to the lightning strikes, they’re instantaneous? Unless you wanna be holding g 24/7, which you can’t even do if ur carrying a sealed chest.

im always holding block after fight if im under 700 HP and if you are carrying chest that means you are prop. full HP at that point

without armor you can survive a lighting strike

You might be able to survive a lightning blast, but you’d have to be at full, which unless you are sailing or not fighting, you likely won’t be at, due to atlantean enemies as well as the acid rain if you don’t immediately wash it off.

doesn’t mean you can always predict or anticipate when one will come or if it’ll hit. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone got hit in the middle of a fight and died. At least adding a noticable indicator (more than just a few moments before it’ll strike ideally) would be more fair to the player.

wait can you hold block while steering i didnt know that

it was just added to help with waves and crap in the dark sea

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thought that was bracing i meant the player