"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage

"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage
effort 4.821428571428571 28 quality 4.870967741935484 31 reasonability 4.971428571428572 35

You’re a hero

speed of light in kfl/nfn

Dear GOD, this is still going.

May as well leave my remaining two ratings…

0 degrees celsius in fahrenheit to kelvin

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Someone: “Your IQ is equal to the room temperature”
Me: Laughs in Kelvin

1 Like

no you can get it slightly better

do it then

ok how much speed is that




good job!

uh oh, 11 hours since the last reply? unacceptable.

uh oh, 1 hour since the last reply?

shit only 4 hours since the last reply, we’re in deep trouble

20m since last reply, this is bad

3h hours savior

1 hour once again

4 hours again, now 1 minute