"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage

"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage
effort 4.821428571428571 28 quality 4.870967741935484 31 reasonability 4.971428571428572 35

Tbh, I would be fine with Vetex adding a visual effect to tell you when lightning it going to strike

also does lightning actively target players? i never really understood how lightning worked

I think it strikes a random spot within some radius of the player. It just so happens that that area also includes right on the god damn player.

wait so its unavoidable?

I mean if u have god like reaction speed no

Pretty sure. With how many times ive not been moving and gotten struck, as well as the amount of times I HAVE been moving and gotten struck, either Zeus/Vetex hates me, or thats how lightning works.

And of course, theres no way to block of parry it unless you constantly hold the block key whilst in the dark sea, and not be able to steer ur ship while sailing.

The real problem in the DS is that there’s so much lightning strikes that you will most likely be hit

lightning is unblockable btw

Bruh :sob:

the max knockback build which allows wind mages to send people from ravenna to the Pelion rift is essentially this but you replace the perfect malachites with knockback musgravites

i think a more effective build for that (due to diminishing returns) is

Manual bumping + effort

Is this the new general thread

General thread for forumers
Just to keep this alive

Keep memes out of general everyone :nerd_face:

Nah no memes here, it stays serious

anyone played lethal company? I really like it.


I like it! Wish it had a progression system tho like every level up you get a skin or new headgear. Just cosmetic tho

oh no 3 hours since last reply

oh no 3 hours since last reply

oh no 2 hours since last reply