"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage

"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage
effort 4.821428571428571 28 quality 4.870967741935484 31 reasonability 4.971428571428572 35

Oh no 15 minutes since last reply

oh no 1 minute since last reply

how has a mod not closed this yet lmao

Because this suggestion needs to happen, simple

Ive been trying to get true captain and i swear lightning has it out for me

Me about to get true captain, near to bronze sea:

Purple Lightning: :nerd_face: :lightning_magic_var3:


(I nearly died to getting paralysed twice by red lightning, purple killed my crewmate, and water poisoning while stunned from the
Ightning. Also I got jumped by lvl 200 Atlanteans while i was fighting one at 50% hp (the warrior atlantean killed me cus m1ing on ships doesnt knock them off))

1hour of my time wasted

Just had a dark sea expedition where I was doing one last island before I headed back, and was faced with a level 164 mutated atlantean. It had snow magic, and then held a weapon that had the snow imbue effect, so i thought it was a conjurer. then it pulled out water magic??? since when could atlanteans have second awakenings?

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Npc’s can spawn with impossible builds, such as one I encountered who had a placed explosion ultimate art, 2nd magic, and boxing.

the mods also suffer from red lightning too fr fr

Once had an atlantean that had an ultimate art leap.
Scared the hecc out of me when I saw an ultimate art circle but then it just leaped backwards :fr:

guess they know the secret technique

does anyone else think this shit is stupid
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Upgrading weapons at a blacksmith is purely a galleon sink that serves no purpose other than to inconvenience the player just like random dark sea lightning strikes all of you free thinkers are so adamantly against

Checkmate non weapon builds

  1. i am a warrior, im completely fine with the upgrading
  2. money sink is good for economy, makes galleons worth more
  3. lightning in dark sea would be fine if it didnt strike 500 times a second

does anyone else think this shit is stupid
does anyone else think this is stupid

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for leap, yeah bro what did leap do to them.
for like EVERY SKILL IN THE GAME WHAT??? yeah ig but are we going back to power/def meta with this or what

Wait so is this second magics getting smaller if you have attack size sets

bruh. if they are getting nerfed right now i think vetex tested level 160 and saw it was too big

mandatory post to keep this alive