"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage

"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage
effort 4.821428571428571 28 quality 4.870967741935484 31 reasonability 4.971428571428572 35

Honestly it’d be nicer to just have some form of tell for when lightning is about to strike, so you can block it or get out of the way. I don’t really mind it being potentially fatal, because to me the dark seas is way too easy right now, but you can definitely get stiffed by chance. Had a friend I was going on an expe with who got hit by purple and red lightning at the same time. Not even the first time I saw that combo, though the other was just on an Atlantean, which was funny. If there was a tell you could react to, it’d be great. Keeps people attentive, and not afking tanking waves until you see an island.

I think the only Dark Seas disaster I can’t stand is the tornadoes, because they will almost never be how you die, but they can softlock entire islands or leave you stranded waiting for them to just despawn already. Would love if there was a way to counteract tornadoes or a really lengthy telegraph before they’re about to spawn, like swelling clouds.


Dude, you literally can’t even predict lightning strikes lol

im not gonna sugarcoat it you can’t even block dark sea lightning unless there’s some special technique

i held block under a building, got struck, took 700 in 1, instantly died with no indication whatsoever that i even negated any damage of the attack

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i honestly disagree with this suggestion, but acid rain could be toned down in some way as it deals way too much over a short span (maybe a ramp-up effect). whether you’re running to go break a wall for cover or running to the washbin of a brig, you can lose hundreds at a rapid pace and i don’t think it’s meant to be such a detrimental slowdown. and i am describing it as a slowdown because 9 times out of 10 it doesn’t even hit you in-combat while under pressure, which is what i assume it’s there for.

lightning damage should remain static though

Well, the suggestion is also partially to deal with the rare cases where a new player spawns and instantly gets struck by lightning, killing them instantly, either the lightning.

And yeah, 9 times out of 10, you wont even notice lightning strikes while fighting, but 1 time out of 10 is already way more than enough, especially when youre in the dark sea. There is way better ways to do that though, yeah.
My most preferred method would just be adding more ways to predict lightning strikes so it cannot, under any circumstance, be considered a “surprise” damage source anymore

System auto bumping this lol

The system must have been struck by lightning a few times ingame, it is very clearly just as sick of these random events as the rest of us lol.


This is honestly how it should be. Could particles generate on the surface (or maybe a column) where the lightning will strike. Maybe even have the particles become denser as the lightning gets closer to striking.

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system won’t let this thread die
i want to be on the robot’s good side when AI takes over

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I’d rather have an indicator whenever it’s going to hit the player, that way we can parry the lightning

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Me fr

still auto bumped lmao

how does autobumping even work

high votes = kept relevant longer, pretty sure

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Zeus never died
I hate rng