"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage

"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage
effort 4.821428571428571 28 quality 4.870967741935484 31 reasonability 4.971428571428572 35


I’d rather have the lightning strikes deal about an alright damage on the first range (0 insanity range) the purple one dealing 500 and the red ones dealing 150 per lightning and this would go significantly higher upon every further range (2nd range would increase the purple lightning damage to a fluctuating 700-900 and the red lightning 300-500)

I mean, percentage base damage is an actually okay solution but It’d be pretty badass if your just so high level that no mere lightning strike can scratch you. Instead of the level 1000 dude getting struck by lightning in the 0 range of insanity and taking 12k damage beacuse its percentage based while the low level dude takes only about 100.


Personally I think the dark sea is fine as it is now. I dont want the dark sea to be harder then it is currently, we already have insanity and LVL 250 atlanteans for that. Lightning is kinda oppressive so maybe some sort of signal is fine.

This is much better

I think people should keep in mind that the red 3-combo does have a very telling audio queue - it’s like a really loud scraping sound - a few seconds before it strikes. However, due to how many other sound effects there are, especially when on an island, it can be nearly inaudible.

When I first went to the dark sea, I got the red lightning while I was charging an attack against an atlantean and died. Worst first impressions ever, didn’t even know you could use armor to somewhat minigate this.

Me not hearing the lightning sound over the other lightning sounds:

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what about deaf people?

get better hearing :100:

based system

tbh i never noticed that even more so because lighting is often more of an after thought while going into the dark sea

I never really got this, I simply wash frequently

They could have a text dialogue saying ‘‘You feel your hair stand on end’’ since when you’re about to be struck by lightning irl it does


Saitama cosplayers:

Your bald baldness stands on end

why tho?

Oh yeah this has been getting bumped alot, the “system” probably got struck by Zeus lol