Tell me about your OCs

Griffin Banks. Gonna change the name in AO.

Anyways, I don’t really got a whole ass backstory or whatnot for em side from the fact that they didn’t have access to magic but still just wished to be strong. Essentially they’re a glorified bandit. Nothing more. Will likely change that in AO with the introduction of Fighting Styles.

Yeah ik :nod:

Remus Auburn:
Likes to blow shit up, that’s their whole personality, backstory, and goals.
Everything they do is for the sake of blowing shit up better or involves blowing shit up.
Endgame is summoning Chaos by blowing shit up.

Basically they’re me in every game I play that lets me blow shit up.

Screw dedication to a real relationship. Blowing shit up for life #YOLO

eh here

they’re not my files at all those are literally not characters, i just play ghe game with them

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I finally know what to write


I got a favorite

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Jeremy Galleon - A wizard corrupted by power and will do anything to get more but always runs when 3 captains respond to his threats.

Caitlin Clay - A wizard who is thinking about joining the magic council and defeated many power dark wizards.

Erik Gold- A wizard who has defeated many magic council captains and defeated the king himself, he has also clashed with the exiled defeating him many times, some people say hes a demon him self.

apolo rust - sun man, will not elaborate on personality or backstory

living being

ayo glad you like it

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one-woman army

Murder Hobo who now looks like Joseph Jostar

Oskar, Linsey and Garret- i’ve written 2 chapters and i think a third is in the making on google docs, but i’m prioritizing my own universe vs the arcane universe

Kaden - was a bounty hunter that protected the Castlian Shore never part of the summerhold guard force. for the war seas he’s just a local bounty hunter in a kingdom. he actually works along side the guard force quite often now compared to his wom version. so often in fact very few know he wasn’t apart of the registered force (with Andrew)

Allan - is wandering blacksmith from some unknown kingdom in the northern part of the war seas (or whatever sea is known for blacksmithing)

Lilith - an ex princess that is mistakenly dubbed a dark wizard when trying to defend herself. the reason for the classification was due to her acid magic and not knowing how to wield it without hurting someone badly. ( with Adria and Mark at the present)

Andrew - was a summerhold wizard guard but now is a wizard guard of a kingdom where Kaden also resides. the two know each other quite well and assist another with work.

Keanu - still has his hero complex was supposed to meet with Alvera (F for paper but they’re an ice wizard under a new name cause i used Alvera for the universe i’m writing) at a bar constantly after Keanu did his good deeds around the kingdom he’s at. Met Oskar at a bar after some Valcrest mission and chatted. he wields his giant axe and his still the sand speed demon

Malorie - not much backstory as of yet, met Mark at some point on a random big forest island. basically playing Druid (honestly is one in some regards) and the two don’t really meet again.

Mark - is a gentleman came from some random unknown lost kingdom, has quite the years on him and a knack for mode defense. stuck around with Adria cause she asked him to and had nothing better to do. he’s much chaotic lawful with a chivalry mindset has no problem dropping anyone if they attack him regardless of gender. doesn’t see the world worth existing but doesn’t go out destroying it cause kindness still happens

Adria an ex Valcrest wizard that left the guild shortly after Oskar arrived. after leaving she had finally figured out the ones responsible for her parent’s and village’s death and it was the GN. didn’t want Valcrest to get caught in the crossfire of her plans and plotted how to cripple the gn slowly and be a huge thorn in their side.

she met Lilith outside the kingdom entrance where Kaden, Andrew and Alyeen lived at and both were attending a rumored meeting on a raid against a gn outpost. the two at a glance could tell another was strong like them and they chatted and eventually teamed up.

Months down the line the two had made 13 raids on gn outposts within that year. they met mark dealing with twp GN captains on their 14th raid and he assisted them in annoying gentlemanly manner to Adria. Lilith was used to butlers like him and with great strength and eventually Mark joined the two ladies on a request from Adria and they filled him in. Mark agreed on helping but only to reform the GN as they still would be useful and more powerful possibly.

Chantal - father was part of a huge pirate fleet and would’ve been infamous if they did a big looting. but before they could, the gn cracked down on them and split them up quite well. she has some remnants of the fleet under her command that were once her father’s personal crew. they follow her to the ends of the earth and Chantal wishes to restore the glory their father and her once had.

Alyeen - was once supposed to be a MC captain but GN don’t have any magic users allegedly so she is a mage captain of the kingdom Kaden and Andrew reside in

Ailing - is an alchemist that focuses on making their magic being big as possible with it being practical. she lives in the same kingdom as Mei and the two are great friends and were ecstatic once they heard of another

Mei -is a demolitionist and does the big works such as removing an old or really beat up castle wall/rubble, etc. she lives in the same kingdom as Ailing and the two are great friends

Aisha - despite having poison magic a bane of nature in a sense she is a fishermen (fisherwomen?) and is off in some random kingdom minding their daily life

this is all i have so far, i have a light file that i’m making into a shadow magic user once ao drops that basically lost his memories as a trade off for power and off on some random battered island.

might’ve missed a few i got 16 files and more soon after all ;-; (and sorry for the wall of text too i’ll link the chapters of Oskar, Linsey and Garrett if you guys ask or smth)

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my oc kill person for useless point to increase

These are so interesting!

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forgot about Adria, didn’t write them down ;-; and thanks

Tom (unknown last name cause I’m a lazy lil shitter)

Plasma Magic user, 2nd magic is ash. Relatively powerful.

Interested in studying powerful lost and ancient magics, and of course obtaining one himself.
Believes that the warring kingdoms and their curse users are a threat to the entire world, and could destroy it. Plans to try to obtain a curse himself or at least be as powerful as a curse user, and defeat as many kingdom warriors as possible.

his guild thinks he is crazy for wanting to try to fight a curse user so damn badly.

he also hates edgelords

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It’s too easy to make a series with a character who “works hard” for a few episodes to get strong and becomes godlike, or has instantaneous realization of mass amounts of power. I want my character to WORK for that skill. There’s no shortcuts in real life, and there isn’t gonna be in by my OC’s life. No no no.