Tell me your class and i make a meta build for you

Holy crap that actually looks good

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Thread semi reviving time

@FridgeUchiha Gimme a thermo jugg build
(No modifiers of course)

Beserker Boxing Iron Leg (You can use any sunken idc)

lightning conj (broke btw)

Join the modifierless club :hungry:

Lightningnwarlock (sailor fist)
Currently am very broke with only a sunken warrior chestpiece, as much insanity as playable

Truly, an arcane oxymoron

just get richer not that hard

sand cfist warlock

Get out of here metamancer

I have an Explosion Cannonfist Warlock and no clue what to do with it, please help

(not going to use sunkens, I would rather just not play AO than farm those)

idk this build has potential in theory cuz ileg and boxing both got good size I got 3 builds in mind u can pick from

assuming ur a hobo

I would use the first one tbh

if ur really broke just use t1 gems and t1 scrolls

gear builder is tweaking out idk why it says intensity on there.

u can get sunkens from trading up with darksea loot. also go iron leg or sailors.

but here you go

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Trident wielding knight. Also broke.

man I really wish cannonfist got a rework, instead of just being left behind while all the other fs get actually balanced