pretty niche build, i feel like u might get more use out of plasma on paladin once more vitality skills drops.
Plasma conj no insanity or drawback pls
I have the full sunken iron set feel free to use it and the stats i prioritize are atk speed size and power while maintaining decent def
for referance to people who dont like sunken gear or mods
this is the difference
You miss out on over 100 EP it may be annoying to grind but those who do use sunkens and mods have the clear advantage.
u want to run size on plasma conj?
you don’t have any sunken warrior?
i can use sunken iron but it gives size not atk speed
if u have sunken warrior it will look something like this
I personally love running agility on conjurer but there’s definitely a variety of playstyles when it comes to conjurer.
savant magma and thunder i have most gears, except for sunken warrior helmet and sunken iron set
This build is CRACKED if you use piercing gale and dagger throw. Does require insane aim skills though. Savant is pretty good just requires probably the most aim out of all the classes it has less tiers.
i also got another which i rly have fun with which is metal sailor warlock
Water lightning mage using stats like attack speed pls
be a gooner run size
bro you didn’t give me my meta build yet
(no sw)
also why are you using lightning arcmancer stuff and t1 gems