(that) Magic Power Simulator Dev Log

i seriously have no idea what to work on next, and they could be:

  • datastores
  • map (training zones)
  • more weapons (aiming 48 for first release)
  • bonus stats (magic damage/speed/size/cooldown, weapon damage/speed/size/cooldown, other shit)
  • weapon unlock lootboxes
  • maybe some armor
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Figuring out where to start after finishing something is honestly the hardest part.

I just like to go over a bunch of things that I have in mind, then when I find one that doesn’t require me to finish something else first, I start if I’m feeling motivated.

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update: got chatgpt to make my datastore

Does it work as intended?

yes, and i also asked for session locking but idk how well that works lol

im still thinking about how to handle item datastores, but i know it’ll work by storing a list of basically every possible item (or only storing the discovered ones).

i’m thinking how i should sort discovered and undiscovered items, or if i should make it so the player knows every item in the game that exists.


here are some examples below:

(owned items at top, show unowned)

(all sorted the same, show unowned)

(all sorted the same, hide unowned)

chat what should i do
  • owned items at top, show unowned (Blade Ball)
  • owned items at top, hide unowned
  • all items sorted the same, show unowned (Creatures of Sonaria)
  • all items sorted the same, hide unowned (Arcane Odyssey)
0 voters

It kinda depends on what kind of game you’re making.
Are the items meant to be something to strive for? If so, show all, don’t hide unobtained.
Are the items meant to be something randomly collected? If so, show only obtained.
Are the weapons meant to be option 1, but secretive? If so, show all, hide unobtained.

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i’m currently leaning towards all items sorted the same for scripting convenience

also i want whatever option makes the most money and idk what that is

It’s always about that dang money, ain’t it?
I SUPPOSE if you want one of those child manipulation games, you’d get the best results by showing what the players are getting, because then they know what they want.

yeah, the entire reason i made magic power simulator

what does this weapon list say about me as a developer?

(※ = done, ⁎ = easy, ⁑ = medium, ⁂ = hard)

  • easy = just stat changes
  • medium = with a premade simple status effect
  • hard = have to make a custom complex effect/ability likely unique

this rating system is used for myself to determine how easy or hard something would be to make, also bolded weapons are done

ngl i’m scared i might somehow end up making my game the total opposite of predatory

Well, I’m not much in the judging department, but it shows to me that you’re dedicated, since you want to make all these complicated thingies.

i guess true why am i overly dedicated

It results in a better product.

well, guess i can stand out from other superpower simulator competitors…

also i like the funny meme weapons

It’s not always about making the most money. True passion is making something that people will love.

istg this might become me:

  • plans to create a predatory heavily monetized game
  • somehow ends up with a passion project

Think blade ball in its infancy, when it was just a cool thing to play and not Mr. Krabs.

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balkan rage + german stare + english or spanish + winter arc + mango phonk + stillwater + hawk tuah + adrenaline + noradrenaline

the next weapon i’ll work on could be:

  • adrenaline & noradrenaline ⁂ (dagger/none)
  • evergrowing ice ⁂ (unknown)
  • ferritin king ⁂ (spear)
  • cameraman guardian ⁂ (utility)
  • godsight hunter ⁂ (bow)
  • magmabreaker ⁑ (hammer)
  • verdant serpent ⁑ (spear)

(⁎ = easy, ⁑ = medium, ⁂ = hard)

  • easy = just stat changes
  • medium = with a premade simple status effect
  • hard = have to make a custom complex effect/ability likely unique

currently still deciding what weapon type adrenaline & noradrenaline and evergrowing ice should be

adrenaline & noradrenaline could be:

  • dagger
  • none (claw) (abilities below for claws)
    • primal swipe
    • beast instinct
    • combo (multihit)
    • rush (fly towards your enemy super quickly)

evergrowing ice could be:

  • sword
  • spear
  • greatsword
  • halberd