The ‘25 level range’ for pvp

The ‘25 level range’ for pvp
effort 4.181818181818182 11 quality 4.454545454545454 11 reasonability 4.666666666666667 12

Crimson you made me sad reading this.
And it gave me an idea.


Add a small range of between 25 levels for each player. Once somebody is lvl 50, only players between 25 levels of them can attack them.
This means that for said level 50, only players up to lvl 75 can damage them, and vice versa.

Details/background on your proposal

With the fact that players are planned to be able to reach level 1,000 in the game, adding this would be very necessary to prevent mass killings of low levels in the endgame. Considering these players could easily do thousands upon millions of damage, keeping newer players safe from the threat of ganks and uncontrollable instant kills would help the experience for all players. Plus, the concept of bored max levels ganking newer players for fun really spoils the experience for the newer people.

Added proposal: when two players are at arenas maybe the barriers should be removed? That could however make max levels lure low levels to arenas for kills but who in the world would do that?

Reason to add/change

This will help the playerbase in all sorts of ways.
Newer players will turn off the game due to max levels and endgame players instantly killing them and their boats upon sight, while returning players will be discouraged from that behavior due to the barriers keeping them from doing it. Instead, they’re basically forced to kill other max levels if they’re bored.


Low levels dying anyways

While I am not for this change specifically (25 levels) I am for changing how the current system is. There should be some limit and or some greater penalty for killing a lower leveled player. I’d rather people have the option to do something and be penalized for doing it than to completely block it off. The option, imo, should still exist just be discouraged.

Some penalties could be a longer combat log for the aggressor while no combat log for the target (or an insanely short one, proportional to the difference of level), low level players gaining an “immunity” from higher level players after a certain amount of kills within a short amount of time in order for them to get away, gaining a noteriety level for killing a player (not any loss of renown, as that’s what’s currently here, just straight up GN coming to gank your ass).

Really anything other than just having a 25 level range cap thing but that’s just my two cents on it.

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Why not just make it so that you cannot get bounty or fame for killing players 25 level lower than you

Because people do it for fun anyways

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Alternatively, Dubious had a great idea that will transfer well over the life of the game.

At Bronze sea right now that means only level 100+ can pvp, so basically once you are already near max. Still probably not the BEST saving graze as people with max level and better gear will still wallop you, but it at least lets you enjoy the start of bronze sea in relative peace.

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This, a lot. The post I made that lettuce linked here is exactly a case of this. They weren’t hunting my level 60~ friend for clout, or fame. They did it just because they could.

At the end of the game, that would mean you can only pvp once you reach level 800, which is ridiculous. In my opinion, it should just be that two people can only attack each other if their levels are within in some sort of distance.

kid named making a party with friendly fire enabled:

So no bounty hunting until level 800?

True, but part of the like, band-aid fixes is that formal pvp, like, duels or friendly fire in parties is allowed at any level now.

Anyway I do agree, it’s an absurd threshold for wild pvp by the end of the game. You’d be at what? The fifth? Maybe sixth and final sea before you can randomly fight people? Probably not gonna happen.

I had an idea for a “tier” system for bounties where you could only hunt bounties that are around your level/tier

things lower are considered too weak, and things higher, are for obvious reasons, too powerful

okay I just realised how this contradicts some things i said earlier damnit

That basically just brings us back to the original suggestion

you can only fight people that are within 25 levels of you.

boom. I just saved arcane odyssey guys.

totally not repeating the same idea

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I forgot about bounties and assassinations aaaaaa

(this obviously does not include NPCs)

Your suggestion is already fine so idk

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make killing someone far below your level greatly reduce your renown (and if you lose all of it you instantly get 3 notoriety yes) :nod: