The ‘25 level range’ for pvp

The ‘25 level range’ for pvp
effort 4.181818181818182 11 quality 4.454545454545454 11 reasonability 4.666666666666667 12

Please, I keep on getting hunted down on my level 60 criminal account by groups of max level sweats. This would be so much better

Yea that’s a nice addition but still massively gets in the way of hunting, the only way this feature could succeed if it were dynamic, since a flat 25 level range throughout the whole game will be very inadequate to say the least

tho still in general yall worrying about this too early, we still in early game so this isn’t that big of an issue to be worth putting a lot of effort into


Yeah 25 level difference seems good enough considering the base damage is based on your level and not the stat points. It’s just increased by armors/accessories and affected by what you use to attack so it shouldn’t be much of a difference if it’s 25 levels difference, so in other words, a low level player really cant fight against a high/max level player when they literally have the advantage of more hp and damage.

I’d rather this just be 4/5ths of your current level, or perhaps wider margin

I feel like a better way this can be done down the line is that there are just pvp level barriers like in other games
Or something similar.

This way, people can get most of their planned build ready before having to face those stinky rkers.

A level 25 pvp range sounds redundant no offense

this is actually a pretty good suggestion, though perhaps a bit of the 25 rule can apply when near the barriers like 199 and 200, just to be smoother

This sounds like a genuinely good solution for some of the problems that arise when pve and pvp players mix. It is quite ridiculous that ANYONE could kill you once you reach lvl 50, as you cant just defend against a max level mage as a lvl 50 mage, or whatever other classes you wanna be.

Not a great idea, I have a file where i have never done any quests, so i would be one of the only ones able to wollop any low leveled players, and gain immunity from high level players

I really do like the suggestion of the level range making the difference, cause 2 reasons.

It is the most fair way to expect people to be of around the same strength, or at least potential strength.

Leveling up happens all the time since there are so many sources, so any player that tries to stay low level to abuse their strength, is not gonna happen since they are forced to level up over time (so hard to abuse the ranges of the system)

I would say that a level range of 50, seems more reasonable, i know it would be frustrating at this moment in the game to only be level 75 and get killed, but as higher levels are realized, it would become better. And with a total of 1000 levels in the future, this would be needed.

This seems like a possible better way to draw the lines of PVP

A straight up ban feels wrong, maybe a heavily reduced reward. After all, what’s left of ashes?

Awesome stuff. What i would like to add is maybe the level difference varies between seas? Considering at lvl 125 we are basically leaving bronze, there will be a need for less tight level gaps to make fighting randomly more interesting. Maybe add it up by 5 levels for every sea:
Bronze/1st sea: gap of 25+ levels->no PVP
2nd sea: gap of 30+ levels->no PVP
3rd sea: gap of 35+ levels->no PVP
and so on

What the heck how did this get more likes than my art posts

me personally like I saw somebody else comment on this post I think an uber powerful NPC should gank you if you kill low levels a certain amount of times, if he kills you he can reduce fame/bounty by alot, however I think bounty hunting/assassinations should be given some leeway because it dont make sense for the gravy not to want to arrest a criminal because it is unfair. but it should give less renown if you are hunting them. the npc would be called something like “The Retribution” or something edgy like that

25 levels is too small of a range, make it 50 levels apart or 75. as much as i want to say no to this suggestion, i just remembered aa (or ar) having this kind of feature

i’d appreciate this feature a lot, especially considering how you just can’t run away anymore

you have no idea how many times i died to a level 125 player while trying to max out a save and then had to spend 10 minutes getting back to where i was

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