The adventures of Typ0 and Banana in the Arcane Odyssey (WARNING HEAVY SPOILERS)

how about u go…

water sailor…


okay fine you can go shadow sailor…

U play warrior more anyways lol

yh but it is probably so good saying they are both such well rounded things

i can feel the poison tooth coming inside of me

you can play shadow sailor but remember that I CAME UP with it



what you tryna imply here…?


it’s my favourite weapon


you know how boxi is known for being a cracked shadow conjurer or how warmwater is known for being the flash?


i wanna be known as the most cracked poison toother

who’s boxi?


I wanna get into digital art so I can draw my characters

and ascend with the other artists as well as having the best OCs on the platform

eventually ascending from their humble AO file beginnings to join my other characters on their wacky weird adventures

I think they’re some good pvper


have u made man woman yet?

not just any good pvper

if all 3 of us 3v1’d boxi they’d still win

boxi vs 5 mages with pre-nerf pulsar who wins

5 mages? nah
4 mages? ehhh
3 mages? they could probably do that

boxi vs 10 warlocks