The adventures of Typ0 and Banana in the Arcane Odyssey (WARNING HEAVY SPOILERS)


boxi vs an entire server worth of warriors

boxi but only if i’m not in the server :smiling_imp:


boxi vs an entire server worth of mages

pre nerf?


boxi gets clapped

boxi vs vetex with aether lightning


nah ur capping is boxi really that cracked he could beat an entire server worth of warlocks?

what if they all were charon level?

and VETEX?

with his admin magic?

ok i was overreacting with some but i respect the guy

i really wanna fight him in the testament of othrys

man, I wish I was a god at pvp…

but perhaps in time I shall learn my build better

same, it’s all about going on your training arc

speaking of training arc I’m having one IRL

tryna get more protein into my diet

I’m kind of a sailor fist user irl

(I’m a competitive swimmer)

i’ve been working out recently :muscle:
