The Ancient Magic dilemma

You see, the thing about ancient magic is that using them is meant to make you feel like the primordial warrior who was god’s bodyguard. Ancient Magic can singlehandedly top a sea curse when mastered, but Ancient Magic isn’t the only final reward. It’s only the mage class’s big thing.

Artisan Weapons, upgraded Fighting Styles, how will they stack up? They can totally match in power, but they’ll surely have astronomically less style points. Also they don’t carry the downsides that Ancient Magic does, which seems unfair.

And then there were hybrid builds. Both conjurers and warlords have their big thing already available with the level cap, although Arcanium Weapons aren’t added yet. There’s no way hybrid content can win the race.
The only glimmer of hope is colossal cleave, which is probably the flashiest move to date. If all this stuff keeps up in that direction, we might have a solution. I can’t see Arcanium Weapons holding up that same standard though, they’d likely retain the same standard by holding regular weapon abilities like they’re expected to. It’s also worth noting that warriors can use arcanium weapons, so the abilities won’t be magic+weapons, they’ll be full weapons. Therefore, warlords, knights, and savants can make just as much use besides imbuement. So technically, the most popular class does not have a saving grace. Put it in the pile with warlocks and vitality builds.

uhh, stock where the fuck did you get “ancient magic can singlehandedly top a sea curse when mastered”

Would be kind of crappy if we can’t beat sea curses with ancient magics, considering that curse user bosses are well on the table.

Heck, it may not be elemental, but Octavious has one.

:face_holding_back_tears: once again the wizards take everything away

I hope you realize that Death Magic was a planned Ancient Magic, and Morden has the Death Curse.

Colossal weapons go hard though, I might make a Warlord File with just Colossal Weapons myself.

Well, guess what? Death curse only instantly kills people who are weaker than you, so just be stronger

“(Hybrid magic builds can have either 1 Lost Magic or 1 Ancient Magic, not both or more than 1 of either)”

Death magic is weaker in every way since it’s mimicking what the Death Curse is. Meaning, instead of instantly killing anyone, it just probably does a lot of damage.

Apparently that’s been deconfirmed.

Planned max level becoming 600 instead of 1000 makes this questionable now.


Ask somebody who knows, I don’t screenshot everything Vetex says.

well guess what? We have absolutely zero clue what the death curse actually does aside from some hyper wither effect. Quit making shit up man

Is the source that you made it the fuck up?

By being as good as ancient magics? Thats the same as saying “How can warriors stack up when mages can use magic and rare spells”

And so do mages with the second magic.

Just because warriors will be able to use them doesnt mean it wont be amazing for conjurers. For example, when the lvl cap gets raised the trista of bronze will be much better for a fire conjurer than a warrior.

Also from the trello: “These weapons will scale with Magic and Weapon level, so they are most effective when used by Conjurers (Magic/Weapon hybrid builds), but also decent when used by Mages (Magic builds) and Warriors (Weapon builds)”

My source is that the power scaling on sea curses would be idiotic if players with ancient magic can’t do away with them.

So it is that you made it the fuck up

outright admitting you’re just making up stuff

Educated guess, sure.
