The Ancient Magic dilemma

You mean you WANT all sea curse users to be unbeatable? And I have the bad take?

strawman fallacy

ancient magic is not stronger than curses. That is the statement. There are plenty of ways for us to defeat curse users without just creating an even stronger version of curses

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i still think ancient sea curse users > ancient magic users unless the latters is highly skilled and/or the former are frauds ( or just, elmental weakness or whatever )

In a general context, the best type of gameplay for the game wouldn’t be that curse users are undefeatable unless you dunk them with seawater

no I’m pretty sure a boss fight where the goal is to make the floor the sea curse user is on fall into the ocean is much more fun than “kill them”

I don’t like gimmicky boss fights with strange damage windows. Captain Maria’s a bit of an example, not quite the same though.

Captain Maria could actually easily kill a Curse user with her water magic.

water magic is not ocean water. Magic is not the actual thing. Curses are the actual thing.

yeah but she’s definitely using ocean water.

The player is implied to be Odysseus by the game. Beating a curse user through trickery by making them fall is much more accurate to source material then just calvus again

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Now you’ve got me curious, how do you expect that to play out?

Where is that implied? /gq

as I said: make the curse user attack you and destroy some load bearing pillar to drop the floor down, or just do that yourself on the supports of some dock to make them fall

I believe it may be from the name of “arcane Odyssey”, not completely sure myself but I have heard the theory

That’d be shorter than the Argos fight.

Reminds me of the Angel Creed fight in AR. She was using Ancient Magic ironically.

Mhmm, I see… I personally don’t agree with that, at least not right, mostly because I haven’t heard the evidence to support that theory yet. Thanki for telling me regardless :3



You’ll see.

Attack size is all I need

bro vetex actually said this, death curse does kill ppl weaker than u bro check ur facts before calling people stupid :skull_and_crossbones: