The Ancient Magic dilemma

So would it have been like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon personality quiz, or would it have been dialogue stats?

this is slander against my phoenix king i can’t stand for this
theos was MUCH stronger than the average curse user, especially during his prime

True, this is true. I shouldn’t have disrespected our boy in this way.

IMO I wouldn’t really say this is much of a real issue or dilemma, the game will probably address most of these points in due time once they become more relevant.

To be fair, that can be said about basically any stat/power. High-level berserkers, warriors, oracles and everything in between will have as much of a chance against any curse user bosses as mages will. We already have some very powerful non-magic users in lore such as Trigno’s vice captain Romulus who chucked 300-pound cannonballs at people, and Argos who was in his prime the strongest Ravennan general, putting him above the curse-using Julius.

While I also don’t completely expect the ancient equivalents of strength and weapons to be as visually striking as ancient magics, I definitely wouldn’t count them out just yet as we simply don’t have any information about them. Base styles such as thermo and sailor and some weapon skills look pretty cool, so if vet gives the ancient equivalents of these paths as much love as ancient magics then those builds will be eating good as well. I’m not sure what you meant by ancient magic’s downsides though

Except hybrids might actually be in the best position, as they get access to both their hybrid content and lost/ancient equivalents of either of their builds.

I’d actually say that colossal cleave is a good sign for what’s in store for future skills; most of what we’ve gotten up til now has seemed pretty basic, but more visually striking skills like this may become a standard as the game progresses.

That’s no longer correct (this message is from 2023, but it’s the most recent update vet has given on arcanium weapons)

unless the level gaps from start to end of each sea become considerably smaller, the endgame level cap being 600 is NOT feasible.
Bronze, 125, Nimbus, presumably 250.
Assuming the level cap increases by 125 by the end of each sea, thats a minimum of 750, and knowing Vetex, he’ll let us grow further beyond that.
Besides, its going to take a long time to get to that point, so the final level cap can be anything.

Vetex literally said the level cap would be around 600

i see a lack of you providing proof

Nah he said it

Considering vetex’s foresight though, I highly doubt that’s set in stone

again, i see no proof.

Gimme a bit to find it

thats exactly the problem
that was 9 months ago.
plans can and will change, 750 to 1000 sounds much more reasonable.

There’s stuff way older than that and that stuff is still set-in-stone. And besides, there is zero reason for vetex to increase the level cap beyond 600

alright well if your gonna be like that then i aint gonna bother continuing this
im just gonna leave it with this, just because theres older stuff thats still set in stone, doesn’t mean everything is like that.

Counterpoint, it’d be freaking awesome

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plus with how the level caps seem to be going for the current two seas, bronze starting at 125, nimbus seemingly being set for 250, that would mean for atleast half the damn storyline we would be growing at a slower rate compared to the other half to make it so we reach max level around the end

Yeah vetex has a bad habit of just kind of saying things he’s planning, and then realizing that’s dumb later.

Also endgame max level =/= actual max level. The storyline will almost certainly conclude before the max level. As well as having to split your stats PERFECTLY 50/50 as a hybrid to have access to the upgraded versions of stuff (lost magics, upgraded fighting styles, etc. all have a req of 600) and that’s the only viable build.

Basing a pattern on two seas where we get awakenings is the problem here.

We’d be getting stronger stuff, and lost magics/fighting styles. Most of the good stuff is probably in these higher levels anyways, not to mention all the Ultimate Arts we’re going to start to get.

I tried to and I couldn’t find anything