The AO Wiki... The AO Wiki is REALLLL!1!1!

Finally, the thing everyone has been waiting for oh so very eagerly, I know you have been shitting your balls and pissing your ass for this even more than AO itself (real)

The Arcane Odyssey Wiki is a general collabarative encyclopedia that aims to document and present information about the game to help new and old players both alike by teaching them cool things about the game they may have not known and hopefully make their experience more enjoyable. We had created the WoM Wiki too and we hope to learn and improve on our mistakes and problems we faced during those times and hopefully make this wiki better than its predecessor! However, with that being said there is a small disclaimer I want to add:

:warning: It is to be noted that the wiki is less than 1% complete in terms of information, structure and all that stuff simple because AO has not released and none of us game staff/testers. Expect to see tons of misinformation and unfinished pages as not only can anyone edit the wiki, the game has not released yet so we have no way of actually getting the information itself to make the pages. But don’t worry as we expect all the information to be added and fact-checked once AO fully releases so expect this wiki to be in good shape 1-3 months after AO’s release. We are also working with some game staff this time around so we expect to be more accurate and all that jazz when compared to last time. :warning:

Enjoy! :birthday: :partying_face: :tada:


Looks really nice so far, I can see it being a really useful asset to players


was gonna say some general stuff like “cool”, but yeah this is actually quite good my man. High quality and the icon interaction too. I like :+1:

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Sexy wiki, good job to everybody involved in its creation


looks good so far

the sand edit got moved over W
though plasma magic is getting a buff from 1.1x speed to 1.2x so i changed that rq

when admin recruitment :pleading_face:

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Looks really good, its much better organised than the WoM one


(when admin recruit)


Its so beautiful :face_holding_back_tears:

you could probably fill out Storm Caller on the wiki with the one clip

also where the fuck are rapiers


Melee Wepaons

This post gives some more detail on weapons & weapon types, i hope it helps

:fire: wiki, really like how the ui looks and all that

some nitpicks:
image (ship page)
image (story page)

the trello in question

No mimhere island what is this heresy :fr:

soon :smiling_imp:

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The funnies thing is that…It was originaly intended to release it in november, yet we followed Vetex’s mindset and delayed it