💠 The Arcanuntium - A New News

Reduced to atoms

Tbh i’ll wait for fighting styles, ketch sounds cooler

every time vetex makes a new ship he also has to make new models for certain ship parts, which probably won’t be too bad depending on how many different models there actually are for things like hulls

Before I even got to the replies I counted up

164 individual emojis used
Maybe tone down the emojis, not the entirety of TOF’s style was defined by the emojis. But it’s still great to see the torch being passed on.


164 emojis


(Please continue this)


You need to up your ante my guy :frhigh:


:wink: i gotchu :+1:

Not my news source :frmad:

Mmmm odyssey feed electric bogaloo 2

Starting off with magic changes, Pillars deal the same damage as shockaves :barber:

Ah yes shockaves.

how tf you say that name bro

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(nuntium is latin for news)


that mark thingy shit?

music, writing, art, and the quiz thing

First we get the dollar store version of drawing morden and now we get the 99 cents store version of the odyssey feed :+1:

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The cheaper the better

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We get it you’re trying to earn tester like Cryo :roll_eyes:

(It will work)

lmao thats like 10% of the reason why


totally not nope not at all bleble