The balance team problem

Every update is the same, previously existing mechanics get reworked in an awkward and unintuitive way and 3 underlying systems get added to make sure the game is 1.56% more balanced.

Even Vetex has clowned on them in the past with the “balance team is too worried about (white load) leg conj dealing 2% more dmg under a blue moon” comment, and in the end this boils down to incompetence. Its not that they’re not knowledgeable about the game, they’re simply missguided.

In their effort to make sure every minute interaction works well in a competitive pvp scenario, they make the game impossible to understand to someone who’s not in the loop. The average player has no way of knowing how this clusterfuck of secluded mechanics work.

Part of the blame is on Vetex for not adding this info to the game, but the balance team is only making this way worse than needs be. Only a very small fraction of players pvp. On a different world AO build making could’ve been an intuitive thing where the game doesnt actively lie to you about how your build combination will actually affect your stats, and honestly I’d take that any day over high level pvp being 4% more balanced.


Literally wasting dev time to make the game more annoying, im glad Vetex isnt taking them seriously


hopefully vetex will let galaga do the balance changes now that he’s a dev, that way it doesent take vetexs time

Galaga being subjected to the ramblings of the balance team


on a different world people would appreciate intensity
people would all use different builds because frankly, good builds can arise from the weirdest combinations

this part isn’t emphasized enough.
while im not a fan of the balance team (especially after seeing the godawful agility rework), you can tell the communication between vetex and bteam is minimal.

hell, in one of the balance documents you can see them literally begging for him to join the balance discord because of the lack of communication


i dont think he will, he doesnt seem to be a fan of the pvp community, ya he doesnt like the toxic pvpers but mostly toxic pvpers and people that think that atk speed is lower skill than atk size (god balancecord is full of idiots, dont even try to have a nice conversation with them) are the one that talk a lot

He joined the balance trello, so it’s entirely possible that he could join private balancecoord. Also, I would assume that private balancecoord is a lot less toxic, as there would be less doomposting, and more regular discussion.

Honestly vetex adding PVP for all people level 50+ was a bad choice. Having PVP for people who actually want to do it would be much more fun. World // Zero or Vesteria’s PvP, which is only 1v1s that people agree to or PVP arenas, is a lot more enjoyable and less toxic, because you can’t farm people or target lower levels when they don’t want to be. At least it’s not Deepwoken PVP, getting targeted by high level players at level 1 in a permadeath game is wack.


i’m surprised this thread wasn’t made by fridge

i actually agree with a lot of their changes
i don’t think adding new complex systems like exhaustion is a good way to balance but i at least respect what they try to do

Oh here’s another fridgeuch- nevermind. But I do agree that they want everything to be pvp viable and often ignore the pve players

wdym ignore the pve players

they get sidelined or get hit in the crossfire of pvp related changes (for example the reflex nerf)

at the same time, seeing a dude with (presumably cause i dont play the game) end game stuffs get wiped by someone who just started is very funny

I would instantly quit.

I’m sure some builds having inversed speed and other BLEEDSTACKING is a tiny problem right? Not like it’s absolutely unfathomably busted.

I’d like to see you take a crack a it ngl

I struggle to see anywhere the game lies to you (excluding bugs), there’s alot of places where it doesn’t inform you sure, but lying is an exageration

20 moves every seconds, island nukes, stunlocks, bleedstacks, inverse speeds, yes I’m sure this is all “4% more balanced” and not absolutely gamebreaking issue

apparently it was that or vetex fully removed agility since he didn’t like it :person_shrugging:

Yeah it’s actually hilarious how little he listens to them (and misimplements half the changes)

Bugs are bugs, the testers should be taking care of that

There’s another point in the post you didn’t adress but ok. And for your statement that testers should be taking care of that, they do, but there’s such a ridiculous amount of bugs that some simply get buried and never get fixed, wich is why the balance team tries pushing the gamebreaking ones into the light.