The balance team problem

Gamebreaking bugs shouldn’t be getting buried in the first place, its cool that the bt steps up in that regard, but that was never my problem with them, to adress your other point, ill give you an example.

Last update, 1.3 size magics scale less effectively with size investment and 1.0 size magics scale better. I get why this was done, but this change is ass.

When picking a 1.3 magic, a player expects their attack size to grow accordingly when they invest into that stat, but thats not the case. If previously magics were at a point of balance, then now 1.3 magics are strictly less efficient than if you were to spec size into magma or metal. And nothing in the game tells you this, not to mention imbue affinities grant different stats entirely than the magic you’re using, so you literally dont know what to expect, you think your attacks will get 1.3x bigger but they wont.

And this brings into question, why size? Why not do the same with speed to bring parity between magics and imbues? Oh wait, speed is getting rebalanced this update, and how strange… they’re just changing the base values as they should… instead of having a weird underlying system that arbitrarily dictates your scaling will be worse if you invest into a stat because I say so!!1! If size was a problem this is what they should’ve done, even if balance wise it would’ve been slightly worse, this is a much more intuitive way to balance the game both for the players and vetex.

Its because of that weird size change that 1.3 mages got fucked for this entire update, and now Vetex had to spend more time fixing that, when a much easier and better change was to just lower the sizes directly.


Because speed scales with removal and attack size is addition, also speed scales at 50% effeciency compared to size. On top of that it’s because the issue wasn’t the size affinities, it was size STACKING.

it’s actually not even that lmao, size has had a plethora of bugs for a while that are starting to get documented since vetex finnaly added a debug feature

I agree size stacking was a problem, and the fix to that should always be that if you decide to do that, then your other atributes would be lacking. If that isnt the case there’s a problem with said particular magic/fstyle stat distribution

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Not? The problem was that atk size was multiplicative wich was fixed with diminishing returns to size stacking

tf did I just say then, yes size is multiplicative, you know what else should be? power and speed. If you stack size your build should be lacking in those 2 to begin with. Diminishing returns is an awkward and unelegant ass way to fix what should be a non issue

power (dmg bonuses) is multiplicative and speed too, this just proved your complete ignorance

read what I said properly, these 3 stats are multiplicative, therefore, if one particular combination causes one of these to be too high, then there’s something wrong with the stat values at play

So true only things that need to be balanced are bug patches, and like super obvious broken stuff like in the past the game is pretty balanced rn outside of bug exploits.

The balance team over nerfs and overcomplicates every feature they can get their hands on in the name of balance. The agility rework is a complete diaster. Attack speed is a shadow of its former self. Surge, selino and uppercut are barely usable. Shot and pulsar are getting gutted. Thermo heat runs out in 7 seconds. This is not good balancing. Its the sign of either:

a) a p2w mobile games balancing
b) the sign of an incompetent team who dont know what they are doing, just randomly throwing numbers around and hoping that they work.

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I’ll address this comment.

You’re going to want to elaborate this. Regardless, if you’re worried about the exhaustion mechanic, it is highly likely that we will make it only work above a certain amount of Renown and whether the enemy attacking you has your poster.

Attack speed needed considerable nerfs as it was blatantly the best substat for combat efficiency for a long period of time. It can get a slight rebuff once its stat scaling can get more diminishing returns.

Ill admit we have kinda gone in a circle with balancing Surge, and it’s really tough to tune this ability in a way. I don’t have many ideas for adjusting it in a way that doesn’t push it over the top for certain builds.

I’m open for a Selino buff.

Pulsar was basically getting a size buff in regard to its current size.

Uppercut’s issues stem from it not working (dragging up players) much of the time as intended; the ability is actually a bit overtuned when it actually works, but we also have ideas in mind to make it more consistent and fair in this regard.

Feel free to give other constructive ideas about these issues if you think they could be addressed in a better way :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m worried for the casuals, who have no idea that there is a cone-check mechanic. Very likely they don’t even know why sometimes their crashes don’t go full distance either. This issue could be fixed with a “patch note” button somewhere in the title screen, outlining the update changes and balance changes.

I discussed selino with pilles last month and he said that it would probably get a distance buff and endlag reduction, so I’ll be happy if a minor buff goes ahead.

I’m worried about the upcoming 0.25x pulsar nerfs, which effetively nerfs pulsar on fast magics that need the 0.25x speed. It’s quite a major one imo, could maybe tone it down a bit?

Yeah it not working 50% the time is… not great.

yeah I can tell you interpreted the word should in the wrong way. I could’ve been more specific, but mf of course speed is multiplicative, its in the UI

the balance team is not the hero we deserve, need or even want. They’re not really heroes but they are what we get. They might be enormously shit at balancing but someones gotta do it and frankly, i doubt it is ever going to change so i just accept the balance changes at this point.

If ya got specific concerns I’m open to working on addressing them if they aren’t already; I’ll respond similarly to how I did with Reeve.

yeah, stop changing shit that is working perfectly fine
agility doesn’t need the 9 nerfs and 3 and a half full reworks yall be tryna pull off
size doesn’t need buffs that bring it back to its former glory, if not even greater than that

This is sort of out of the blue, but why have certain niche, yet extremely strong builds not gotten addressed? I’m talking about builds such as ileg juggernaut (super high damage + size), and other such as plasma and fire thermo. (those two have insane damage, synergies, and double dots .)

keyword: might. You maybe doing a shit job or a great job but i wouldnt know well enough.

“If it’s not broken, don’t fix it”

  • some wise bloke, probably.

My biggest gripe with teh agility thing - if it was working fine since release, why do something about it now?