The balance team problem

It’s Vetex that wants it LOL

It’s mostly bugfixing

It’s bugged and being adressed

Agility has always been gamebreaking and uncounterable

when the player that doesnt want to pvp doesnt pvp

its basic coder bullshit, if its working, don’t fuck with it anymore

Because it clearly wasn’t working? Vetex doesn’t like people using agility to run, he said it himself

remove agility then, overcomplicating it for no reason is NOT IT

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to be perfectly tbh, power and size should be the same stat, and speed/agility should merge

not cooking bro

EXACTLY! My cousin who’s new to AO is completely oblivious to the “meta” and can legit disadvantage casual players so much. Since their used to playing games with unique and balanced armor, they farm exotic enchants and put it on nimbus sea armor, only to find out that it’s disadvantaged to the attack speed defense and power users

Agility is impossible to balance since the players movement depends on their class and play style

For example nerfing agility would SUCK for berserkers but balance out mages

edit the instances so that each class scales the stats differently

never cook again

can you please send me, if it is okay, the current balance doc?

i am clearly cooking
you fail as a chef and as a taste tester, leave the kitchen and never return

nah thats gotta be fr the dumbest thing ive ever heard

Bro why is it empty :skull:
This is the real balance document:

do better then

bro is mad his suggestion is ass

i fail to accept someone who suggested “merge power and size, agility and attack speed” is calling my random thought with basis on another comment “horrible cooking”