The cemetery

Shocked this wasn’t posted before.

An arguement about loli art. The mods talked about it and nyed nyed them. I might give link.


Who this is the alt of I have no idea



crazy lmao, talking about pedo art in forums
i’m not for removing people for opinions but it is what it is

some opinions are just objectively wrong

that was fast

an opinion can’t be objective, that’s contradictory
in any case, it’s still an opinion no matter how grotesque

it doesn’t directly encourage harm, so it’s a pass in my book
the most i’d do is avoid certain topics with him

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I agree with the bottom part, although realistically I’m not really gonna protest with his ban since it’s pretty justifiable to be worried about a person who says that. Honestly I just feel uncertain about it, but it’s like a month since and lets be honest the guy probably has 20 alternative accounts.

believing pornography or media with sexual intention about children does endager children and in a way encourages harm as its in no way working against it

didnt say that :fr:

my opinion on their opinion is that their opinion is fucking bullshit

Rip these accounts

Some of em

do you mean “consuming” or “supporting”?
probably don’t mean “believing”.

i meant it can’t have an objective status as “wrong” or “right”.
if you call something objectively wrong, you are saying it’s objective.

agree, was actually going to say that with my initial post but didn’t find need to
doesn’t mean his opinion directly encourage harm though

i specify “directly” because anyone can say an opinion indirectly supports harm, it’s a very “political” tactic though, only use is to attribute potentially false intentions on the other party

to not work against something is to encourage it?
i’d say not working against something is just not working against it.
not pushing this particular thought any more forward though, seeing as it’ll be non-forum-friendly

Remind me when you two stop bickering so I can set my notifications back to “tracking”

Lol sup Retribution long time no see :flushed:

actually, I see you on my discord notifications all the time. You’re pretty active there huh

Yes, my bad

No, i am saying its wrong in a way representing facts, an opinion isnt objective, but an opinion is objectively wrong, objective being tied to wrong, not opinion

In a way, yes, as in the example above, you are encouraging people to continue consuming something which is actively harming a group of people.

fair enough
i’d say his statement is correct but never happens in the real world since anything is “fine” if it doesn’t harm anyone, but this kind of shit always harms someone whether actively or passively so his statement never actually applies

i feel like his opinion is just myopic, like focusing only on the consumers and paying no heed to those who might be affected

@Retribution you can come out now, water’s clear as far as i’m concerned

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