The cemetery

definitely 12 years old

Oof, i’m not in Discord.

He seemed cool when I first joined this forum.


he sent me guild invites in dms so yeah he deserves it

the irony

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regular gone

rip bozo

what the fuck is going on and why were so many people suspended

okay now i’m just scared

Rip bag
Got stabbed to death by Vetex mods after being homophobic

LMAO WHAT (sentence)

This “cemetery” looks to be more of a slaughter house tbh

Me when fourms starting to turn into twitter

not my problem :troll:

it’s fiiineee

rip bag lmfao

kids supporting nazis or facists smh

Im gonna assume it’s likely the doorknob sucking gif?

no it was a ahegao gif
but also wait what