The cemetery


face reveal :flushed:

… is it too late for an apology

Pepe Punch

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I think @anon7944431 was Mal.

Was that rb1 guy banned?

pretty sure he does
he literally got warned to get ban from the game if he make another alt iirc lol

No no, there was a dude who tried to protest for the removal of the recent alt rule who was obviously an alt going by the name rb1. I doubt he was rb1 though.

wait there’s a new rule ? thank for letting me know

Yep it’s more of a declaration of defeat from the mods lel
Jokes aside I would link you the threat but it literally god deleted, no traces of either the dude or the thread, all just gone.

That rb1 rebel guy came back and was swiftly dealt with…again

what the FUCK happened in the past two hours

RB1n’t happened.

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did julia get terminated once? their regular is gone (idk if they even had it) or just lost it

yes I did, I lost my TL3 after


shitposting escalated to “borderline NSFW”

what did you post to reach that though

it’s a secret