The cemetery

There were a lot of more minor things by other people (such as Vetex calling them stupid)


i still think the suspension was justified but those messages are… yikes lmaoo

nah that shit was definitely unfair.

i need anyone who says that his post was made to “piss off vetex” to come and bring in anything that even proves that that’s the case and then i’ll change my mind. until then this is just an example of forumers being massive fucking babies.

fuck, even vetex, the person supposedly being used to start drama, didn’t seem that touched about it. just said his own and left.

i can find no comment in that shit that even suggests that he was tryna start drama. just seems to be making an honest observation. some people are just hellbent on making anything that seems to paint vetex in a less than positive light out to be some vitriolic attempt to sully his name. it’s corny.

well, it’s only 2 days, not like its permanent.
just gonna say rip and move on. :man_shrugging:


I also wish they gave examples for posts (except nsfw ones). I don’t remember any instances of him “harassing other users”. I doubt he’s said anything that Selector hasn’t.

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cry about it


yeah actually you’re right, i don’t remember either.
let me go check his comments for a bit.

Me after seeing Exiled get destroyed:


Its so obvious it was made to trigger vetex, did you even see both posts?

So he made some mildly annoying posts. They didn’t include any slurs or anything, they just were annoying. He hasn’t had any previous mod history. And he was banned? That seems a bit extreme.

And the “harassing users” part… what could he possibly have said that would earn him a ban? The r word has been used 329 times on the forum. ‘Degenerate’ has been used 67 times. ‘Bitch’ has been used 472 times. The search feature won’t even tell me how often the f word has been used. It just says 500+. Most of those are by users who have never been suspended and many were from actual moderators. Swearing is the norm on the forums and it doesn’t make sense for someone to be banned for that. Especially with no previous moderation history. I personally think the “harassing other users” thing was just added on to justify the suspension.

I don’t think he should have been suspended. A warning would have sufficed. I’m not trying to get this topic closed or anything. I’ll not discuss the ban any further.

just saying “it’s so obvious bro” doesn’t mean much
show me the thing that’s so obvious directly.

here we see andrija accepting that he was stupid and vetex and andrija both moved on

but danny and nightdemon just had to shit on that poor kid even tho they were 4 or 5 years older than him and drag the topic. And to rub salt on the wound they suspended him :joy:

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I get that they’re tired of stupid questions and people acting retarded to vetex but fr when the kid accepted his fault why humiliate him further?

you can thank me for half of that fucking number

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And you can tell me i fucked that fucked up shit up by using fuck another 3 times

@Andrija In 2 hours you can tell us what the afterlife is like.

Holy shit the alt army is here, it’s a blood invasion and massacre. Someone put their graves here

… This makes rogue lineage moderators look good.

This is fucking pathetic


Ayo moiates, prolly gonna make an apology post

you already accepted and saw your mistakes, dont blame yourself for the people just piling on because vetex was there

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