The Compilation of Epic Voicelines to Say When using Your Ultimate Ability

Disclaimer: This topic, in every way possible - is supposed to be a mess.

An archive of things to say when using your ultimate ability.

Ever needed a place to put your edgy ultimate ability lines? Want to tell your enemy the exact move you are about to pull off? Want to use psychological torment and tactics to confuse the opponent? Then this topic is for you.

This topic is a wiki.

This means anyone can add categories or lines.
Feel free to make them as creative or as blatantly Ezia as possible:

The Anime

  • For telling your opponent exactly what’s happening
  1. “Shadow Blast, Death Formation”

The Edgelord

  • Do I need to explain?
  1. “Darkness requiem… Singularity of the World’s Doom: Shade Annihilation!!!”
  2. sighing edgily “…Ultimate Art… Abyss of Sorrow…”
  3. ”Forged… From the deepest pits of hell!”
  4. “Pick a god and pray!”

The WoM

  • Nostalgia trip
  1. “Ultimate Art: Exploding Explosive Explosions”
  2. “Ultimate Art: [insert magic here] Magic!” (example: Ultimate Art: Shadow Magic!)

The Psychological trick

  • Words hurt more than blades
  1. “your mother”
  2. “I am afraid you made a single mistake, a typo in you’re argument”
  3. “Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru”
  4. “Hasta la vista! [Ultimate Ability ]!”
  5. "Sayonara, sucker! [Ultimate Ability ]!
  6. “Shut the fuck up [Ultimate Ability]!”

The Confuse

  • Makes no sense
  1. “What’s your opinion… On the political state of the nation of Zimbabwe”
  2. "We have come to tell you about your car’s extended warranty”
  3. “Call 1-800 DEATH for Ultimate Art!

The Funny

  • Understandable, have a nice day.
  1. “Funny mage go funny!”
  2. “Uh, uh… It isn’t casting, why isn’t it cast- [Ultimate Ability ]?!”
  3. [Ultimate Ability] ! sorry mb misclick sorry [Ultimate Ability] ! sorry mb mb its another misclick
  4. “Yo this edible ain’t-”[Ultimate Art]

The (Un)Funny

  • why
  1. “skibidi skibidi skibidi”

The Anime v2

  1. Insert ability charging sound effect here

The Anime v3

  • A paragraph/poem, does not need to make sense
  1. “Dawn light, dusk night
    A world cast in balance
    Bring forth both forces in all their might
    Equinox Imbuement:
    Annihilation Sunder”
  2. “I’ve spent seven years of my life training… leading up to this moment… So many people have died? Don’t you see Fallenfire??? We’ve left this world annihilated… all my friends… dead.
    All I have left is my vengeance for you… Ultimate Technique: Revenge Dragon!!!”
  3. "I took… a massive shit in the toilet… remembered the duck… skibidi bap bop bloop… sex joke… [Ultimate Art!]

The Anime v4

  • Feels like a protagonist
  1. “I’m tired of this fighting. I’m finishing this myself. [Ultimate Ability Name Here ]!”

The Sanes

  • Use ultimate art with no warning
  1. “[Ultimate Ability ]! Huh always wondered why people never use their strongest move first.”
  2. “[Ultimate Ability] Boom. Headshot.”
  3. “[Ultimate Ability ]. Here goes nothing.”
  4. “[Ultimate Ability].”

The Supervillain

  • They were born to cause havoc. They also sound surprisingly like WoM dark wizards.
  2. Bwoahahahahahaha!!! You won’t survive the terrible power of my omega explosive exploding hyperdeath super blast!!!
  3. “####### die. ” [Ultimate Art ]

The Touhou Character

  • “Hey kid, want a spellcard?”
  1. Domain Expansion “TRUE ICE HELL & GRAVITY FLUX”
  2. Love Sign(恋符) 「Master Spark」

The Metamancer

  • Yep got it metal pulsar was good at one point
    [Fully Charged Ultimate Art With Damage Potion Stacked After Stun]
  2. “Cry! Cry! Cry! Cry! Cry! Cry! Ultimate art: Cry!”

Also this exists I guess, shoutout to @Akrix


so real and true (rat, if you will)

Not sure where this one goes but…

“I’m tired of this fighting. I’m finishing this myself. [Ultimate Ability Name Here]!”


I do this :sob:

You cute little poor soul.

Block this overhead

(after) wow, that really worked?

Here’s a comical one.

“Uh, uh… It isn’t casting, why isn’t it cast- [Ultimate Ability]?!”

“[Ultimate Ability]. Here goes nothing.” (The second part, if possible, after initiating the Ultimate Ability, but before it actually starts doing anything)
After dodging or perfectly blocking an Ultimate Ability that the one using it announced: “[Ultimate Ability]. One-liners after casting.”
Not sure where to put either of those, and I don’t feel up to trying to edit a wiki for the first time atm.

remove the skibidi part NOW

why he should remove that one?

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need i fucking remind you why? ( there’s a reason it’s called “the unfunny” )

Disney Cartoon Villain from the 80s-90s:

“Hasta la vista! [Ultimate Ability]!”

"Sayonara, sucker! [Ultimate Ability]!

I very distinctly remembering watching too much of the Ducktales and Darkwing Duck DVDs my parents own when I was younger - all of those foreign language “goodbyes” stand out too much to me.

[Ultimate Ability]! sorry mb misclick sorry [Ultimate Ability]! sorry mb mb its another misclick



[Fully Charged Ultimate Art With Damage Potion Stacked After Stun]

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“####### die.” [Ultimate Art]

why aint everybody like sanes man…

just obliterate your opponents

Some people enjoy getting to be dramatic, because their lives are boring. Or because they think it’s entertaining.

“Yo this edible ain’t-”[Ultimate Art]

”Forged… From the deepest pits of hell!”