The Current State of Conjurer

If that is REALLY the case, it honestly makes zero sense on how the imbuement damage scales.

I believe I’ve messed up… cause I chose to go with a plasma conjurer build…

sand does more dmg against bleeding targets so that’s why it deals more when imbued
dunno why sand bleed procs but some imbuements dont proc bleed

No it isn’t because it still does more without bleed

What’s bad about it…other than 0.8 dmg, 1x size and the bleed synergy currently not working?

shit damage and a minimal improvement of DOT

I feel proud going fire conjurer

It’s too balanced bro :sob:

what gear do you run or plan to run post update

Magic speed, agility, and damage only probably

Is agility that useful

I wanna try and make the build pretty good at mobility

Agility helps with dashing further and Tjumping higher
I might go Calvus chest piece (Power), Calvus Leggings (Power), Fair power amulet (Power), Ravenna Pauldrons (Magic speed), Cernyx Pauldrons (Magic Speed)

If my damage is over 200 then I might replace certain enchantments like Calvus chest power enchantment → Nimble/Agility

200 Damage is already good enough for a fire/conjurer
Idk the math however for enchanting so I need somebody to make that sweet Arcane Odyssey build :pray:

Is there any info about getting more weapons that apply statuses liken sunken sword and calvus weapon?

Another one is poison tooth, some people say its good or shit, currently magic infused weapons are crap with conjurers due to the 50% synergy power reduce

You’d have basically no Health though.

thats why I decided to add in agility

I want it to be a quick build not a build with health

eh, okay.

imo i just like conjurer with fast magics (shadow lightning wind) because you get access to weapon moves (most of which are close to mid range) and you have magic blast (good zoning/punishing tool) so what you lack in damage you almost make up for in the versatility you can play as compared to something like warlord which is almost exclusively close range

that said i still think mage/warrior are generally better in most scenarios lol

To cap off the thread, given I now have more experience with the class and feel like a definitive answer to the question:

Ultimately, conjurors derive their power from the variety of tools they have access to. In combination with the right magic, you can legitimately do far more total damage than even that of mages; albeit, much more difficult to achieve. This is especially prevalent when looking at builds utilizing heavy burst options, dot effects, or magics synergistic with the bleed status effect.

This is mainly due to the strengths of weapons being highlighted in the build; however it’s important to understand that you are not playing a knight. You cannot go in or fight nearly as directly as knights can, since you’re still ultimately playing a mage with heavy magic invest and should take the steps to utilize that build.

It’s also noteworthy that many interactions and weapons are awfully unintuitive; forcing some hours into them to understand their proper functions. For me, this was in the form of the Scimitars of Storm and the Bronze Musket - as their high risk - high reward playstyle had not been made fully clear to me until recently.

This, brings me to the most likely reason why the thread exists in the first place - weapons are simply harder to effectively utilize then nuclear bomb sized spells or the insane AOE on Warlord’s weapons to compensate for class investments. Since you get access to a variety of weapons, and anywhere from beam to snare, it means that the options you have far outweigh the difficulty of using smaller attacks. And honestly, that’s fine.

In further testing, utilizing bosses to gauge damage, I found that the DPS my conjuror build was able to output was legitimately as high, or sometimes even higher than the braindead mage builds I’ve seen walking around.
Part of this comes from the fact I utilize poison as my magic (a criminally underrated magic, mind you), but also from the fact that weapon damages have so many applicable modifiers that without the proper gear builds musket still does 300 damage uncharged and even more with a charged E.

And as I learn this more and more, I realize that Conjuror isn’t in a bad spot at all; it’s just difficult. I initially believed that my build was off meta or underpowered; but in watching other conjurors and pushing to test my own, I realized that I simply suck at this game’s combat and as a conjuror most people will not let it fly. I will not explain how, but with practice my unfinished build can straight up do over 1000 damage in a very short amount of time.

And ultimately, that’s what I’ve found. I understand if this post wasn’t super helpful, given both the length of the thread and the fact that I effectively said “skill issue” in college essay form; but I’m not really sure how to explain or cap off such a distinctly intricate topic like this one in a digestible form. I’d highly recommend visiting the wiki (as it still has a lot of valuable, up to date information) and reviewing the distinct properties that every magic has in the game in combination of the values of armors and enchants on different types of gear.

That being said though, it’s still not necessary to be a successful conjuror player; skill has ultimately distinguished some players already. For instance, there’s a 3rd gen sand conj running around right now absolutely decking people in multi-man ganks.

That’s it. I hope it was insighful. Somehow.

So you say you have a poison conjurer build? I do agree with you that conjurer is quite difficult to master, with it’s own ranges as well. I’m a plasma conjurer, so while my attacks have a little more speed, it has less damage. I await the day that status effects stack and/or mix on hit when two are supposed to proc at the same time. I’ve got a second character in the works, as a gold conjurer. Last thing I need to do with them is complete the story, as I’ve already got them leveled to near-max with stat allocations where I want them too.
But I will say this: I’ve fought a poison conjurer with a stat split of 100 magic, 150 weapons.
That conjurer, I was no match for with plasma, 125 magic, 125 weapons, and dual swords.
I believe they had the storm scimitars, and maybe sunken armor. I had to use the buildings to hide and strike then disappear.
Meta-nuke warlock with iron leg I’ve seen level whole cities in one blow, and facing them is a little difficult. Using a bronze musket to hunt them took some time, as I had to keep a great distance from their supermassive AOE. Nuke mage was quite similar.
Conjurer is quite something, you need to properly adjust yourself to the situation, and use your ability to infuse with multiple weapons at the proper times.
It’s quite the class.

Plasma - like most heat magics - clears bleed in exchange for a 10% damage buff, which is the reason you don’t can’t have both bleed and scorched active at the same time