The Devil’s Swordsman | Part 9

The Devil’s Swordsman - Part 9

A World of Magic Story

< Part 8

Dragomir thought of an idea to get ahead of Silver. He proceeded to ready his sword and rush towards the king. Just as Silver was going to return a blow, the Mysterious Figure jumped up and began to use the sword to dice away towards a crowd of citizens.

Silver looked back at them and immediately flew into action. With each slice, Silver threw a fireball to negate the attack. “Using my own citizens as your pawns I see! Such filth doesn’t deserve a peaceful death!”

“I’m not dirty, I just think smart!” Dragomir proceeded to slash around the town, purposely hitting close by populated areas, but not actually targeting for any citizens. Silver didn’t get a chance to catch onto his trick as he was too preoccupied with the thought of saving his citizens. Silver finally had enough as he began to emit small balls of fire at Dragomir.

Dragomir was able to dodge each one, but didn’t notice that Silver flew just behind him. The king then threw a powerful punch into his own tower where they continued to face off. Each of their blows became more powerful, as soon enough they began to destroy the walls of the tower.

As the king and the swordsman were across from each other in the throne room, they both started to attack each other from afar. Silver threw large orbs of fire as Dragomir continued slashing away at immense power. As they simultaneously attacked each other, each of their abilities clashed with one another, creating large flashes of light with each interaction. The room around them continued to crumble as the two increased their own strength.

Silver then began to tire out as his attacks became slower. Dragomir saw this as an opportunity of attack as he released one powerful blow. The attack managed to hit the king clean onto his stomach where it even destroyed the wall behind him. Dragomir then ran towards the king and put in one powerful kick.

The king began to fly down onto the Main Street of Summer Hold where the ground beneath him crumbled underneath his defeated body. “I… won’t let you get away with this!” Silvers words were slow as his strength seemed to fade. The figure then jumped down to meet Silver face-to-face.

“I’m sorry Silver, but I was paid to kill you. Don’t worry though, this had nothing to do with your citizens, just you. Unfortunately for you, your time is up.”

Silver then had enough strength to spit in the criminal’s face. “My time will never be up! I’ve spent all my life being with the great Castilian people. Even when I die, my time will never be up as my people will remember me as I’ve remembered them. Do you believe that’s what’s best is my death? Why even do all this?!”

“I… don’t know.” Dragomir looked up as he saw citizens watching the display of the wrongful execution of their king. From a distance, he saw the faces of Danny and Sammy, with expressions full of fear and betrayal. All Dragomir could think about was the day he was betrayed, by his own brother.

To him, Sammy and Danny was like his little siblings, as he was the older brother. He had done the same thing he had despised all along. He became the monster of a brother he had always internally despised to his core. He was never able to forgive his brother, and now, Sammy and Danny will never forgive him.

“Why… why am I doing all this? For money and fame? I’ve done a terrible, terrible thing, and now I don’t know what to do with myself…” a brief pause was heard around the town. All eyes were on the tearful swordsman whose been able to cut down many foes before.

“I-” Dragomir quickly looked up to see a spheroid amount of acid flew directly towards him. He attempted to dodge the attack, but he was too late as the acid had hit his hand. Dragomir then began to scream in agony as confusion filled his mind.

“Don’t worry citizens of Summer Hold, the Magic Council has arrived!” There in front of the king stood the infamous Captain Rust, the same Captain from the bandit attack at Ironport. As he looked down on the floor, he saw the defeated king lay there. “Wow David, how the mighty do fall from grace. Not really a royalty kind of look when you’re down there, especially for a Silver like you.” The captain then proceeded to walk over the royal as if he was a pile of grass, causing the king to cough up blood.

“Wow Cutlass, didn’t expect you here! I think it’s time for us to have a little chat.”

Edit: Part 10 is Here! We made it to 10 parts :tada:

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