The Dragon Ball Build, Continued

Jawa, what now? Didn’t you already make this?

No, actually, I never got around to it. I didn’t feel ready to buy the extra slots gamepass, and I didn’t really want it on an alt. So, now that more content’s about to be added, I’m thinking over this build again. I was also really shocked to see that one of my old topics actually closed due to time passing. It was kind of eye-opening.
Here it is.

So, why shadow magic?

Yeah, no, I’m not doing that anymore. I’m going with a plasma-thermo warlock now. Shadow magic was just me wanting to make a Shadow build. Now, I’m going for an actual theme.

Plasma-Thermo Warlock? You suck. Also, didn’t thermofist get gutted?

Hey, I haven’t made a warlock before, chill out! Also, I don’t really care if it got gutted, Dragonball characters punch fast, so I’m gonna use something that punches fast. Also, I think it has a synergy with Scorched.
Maybe I’d use Karate or any other real martial arts if they were in the game, but they’re not. Not yet, at least, so I’m going with this.

So, what stats are you going for?

Uh… I dunno. That’s why I started thinking about this again. Power would make sense, because DB characters are really powerful, but they’re also very durable. I might just try to mix them, I don’t really know.
As for the ‘secondary’ stats, I wanted to go with intensity, since it’d probably work really well with plasma’s high DoT, but now that agility can give you the snap-vanish with the teleport sound and all, I’m reconsidering. DB characters be fast as hell. The problem is that I have no idea how I’d even use agility to my advantage, because I’m not WarmWater.
On the other hand, there’s attack size. Yes, I said that I was already using it as a crutch on my magma slot and that I wanted to stop doing that.
But I’ve already made a sand attack speed build.
That, and really big explosions are kind of a part of DB.

Which of these do you guys think I should aim for once I start building it?
also what the hell should my actual magic and fighting style stats be

also, hey, man! @Crimsonpants

By plasma-thermo warlord do you mean plasma savant with thermo + weapons?


i meant warlock, it’s fixed now

goated plasma warlock, make sure to use purple variant or die

but red

I am sending Jesus Prime to beat your sins out of your body

Yellow lightning for final flash and purple plasma for Galick Gun, everything else is a stretch

My character is name Judas Prime, we got beef now


Why god… why must I be punished so…


ok i’ll go with purple plasma
but i still don’t know what my stat allocation should be (100 magic 150 fighting style? 120 magic? hell, 150?)
or if i should go for agility or magic size

goddammit this always happens to the big topics i make

someone fucking answer me

Man just do purple and focus on strength for now

Full send on agility, if no one can hit you, who needs defense >:)

We’re talking about looks here, so maybe 150 magic if you want slightly bigger spells. It’s better off to be 150 fighting style and 100 magic though.

Agility always because, you know, teleport dodge, that’s practically very dragon ball-esque. But in the future if the level cap increases maybe you can go for attack size for surge and that big blast lost spell.

i was looking through and it seems that fallen king has both agility and size, but ravenna noble has more agility

now i’m wondering if i should go for a power amulet, an agility amulet, or maybe a defense one
i COULD enchant everything to hard, but i also know that jewelcrafting can do something with stats, i just have no clue how it works befcause i haven’t played in a while

if thermo fist sucks TOO much i could also just go for basic combat

also i used red plasma instead HAHAHA fuckyou

alright i started progressing it, played from beginning all the way to the end of cirrus
here’s a couple highlights

wooden rod.


here’s cernyx getting his ass beat

alright i finished the storyline
here’s me getting calvus first try:

and here’s what i want my build to look like when it’s complete (you can swap morenci with agility gems and hard with armored, this is sort of the requirements which will suck because now i need to gem farm and look for coppershrooms and uuuuuugh):

the wiki said that 200 agility should be enough for teleport dodges + high jumps
how’s it look? @tetragon_fortress @Bio