The entire forums fight each other to the death while i just watch

And? The protagonist tries to bring justice by committing unjust acts.

How does Durza do that?

We came to pine island and killed 3 order initiates and then we continued searching for other order members in the sky which is means that we were ready to kill them aswell.

Do you know what choices are?

Not everyone agrees with choices.

He doesn’t, I meant that we are sometimes not better than him, so if you can forget about evil things AO’s protagonist made, then you also can do the same about Durza, maybe not fully, but particulary.

They provoked us and would’ve killed us, we didn’t do anything to them before that. We were ready to kill them, but only if they tried to kill us. And we were actually looking for Beringer and Iris’s father.

the ao protagonist isnt supposed to be a goodie two shoes

also they kinda tortured us and our friends so

We came to the Elius knowing that we will be attacked, so Protagonist was READY to kill everyone there.

Okay we’re sometimes not better than a person who:

  • wiped out 80% of humanity
  • tortured people
  • raised an army of undead
  • and showed NO remorse

if killing is so bad, what alternative do you suggest for 6 people on a floating island (who can and will torture and kill you)

the people there were also ready to kill us.
It was a kill or be killed that we didn’t initiate.

Just don’t go there if you are goodie, if you are not then don’t critize others.

Fuck you all, im against ganks on the forum, you are duoing rn, so im going to ignore you both.

“don’t go there”

okay ill just ignore the peoplpe who:

  • experimented on me
  • just dragged a bleeding man thru town square
  • will stop at nothing for power
  • are corrupt and in most organizations

because i have such a good moral compass and im a good person :innocent:

You wanna say Durza did not made this blast with the same reason?

not you being the one duoing on this very thread yesterday or smt:

plus, if you’re argument is good, you can win 2v1s.

  • tortured us and our friends, one of them dying in the escape

he initiated the kill or be killed.

oh yeah forgot abt that part

Protagonist did the same, he had a choice to go to the Elius or not.
Elius was just sitting on the island, he is himself did nothing against protagonist until he is came destroying everyone on the island