The entire forums fight each other to the death while i just watch

no, decisions define character. Actions are only evidence insofar as they are indicators of decisions, and I’m not pressed about this

Did you really just replace “action” in a famous quote with a synonym of the word and think you made a point

The actions durza made led to the genocide of 80% of the planet

The decisions durza made led to the genocide of 80% of the planet

Idk why you’re trying to dance around non-existent semantics when this is a clearly evil and genocidal character

Decision and Action NEVER WERE a synonyms. Decision is when you are choosing what to do and action is when you are already doing something, but action can be provoked without the ability to decide.

His decision was to use his last and strongest attack to survive, he didn’t knew the consequences of his attack and had no choice. And don’t make a view like you are hero, on his place you would do exactly the same thing, cuz when it is a question of life and death, you always have to risk, because it is the only way for you to survive. And human’s brain is just built like that, it is always want to survive (unless you lost everything and mentally destroyed), so even if you choose to die before the battle, you will do everything to survive in the battle, cuz it is gotta work as an “instinct”.

average forum moment

Wtf are you? The genocide lawyer?

“He didn’t have a choice” “He didn’t know know the consequence of his attack”

Mf you do realize this is supposedly one of the most knowledgeable mfs on magic in the entire arcane universe and you’re excuse is “oopsy daisys he didn’t know he would commit mass genocide”

No I wouldn’t have and neither would any other sane human being

I think you need to get checked if you think your life is worth more than 80% of the population

(Nor would I even be trying to kill someone I literally just met at the entrance to a city)

Even if he didn’t know the the sheer extent, he’d know that an entire city (Oberon) would be destroyed at the very bare minimum

This also isn’t true, decisions can be made without the following action but decisions need to be made for any action or else it would no longer be your action

Im bored arguing with you. Everyone have their own point of view on this world, so it is useless to try change someone’s point of view over lego game.
When even 2 words have different meaning for different people.

They aren’t synonyms. If a random magicless peasant was to have all the exact same decisions as durza, then if decisions define character, they’d both have the same character, but the magicless peasant would be totally unable to do most of what durza does, so if actions define character, then they’d both have very different characters. See the difference now? If there was a durza in an alternate universe where he made the same decisions but the attack flew off into space instead of hitting a faraway mountain, I’d say they’d have had the same character up to that point, but you wouldn’t

ok what the hell is this thread even about
the title’s all like “ooooOOOo vetex MESSED UP” and it’s just the number of planned seas and it gets like 170 replies
how? is that just too much content for him to make? how did you keep talking about this shit for another 100 replies since i last looked at this?
shut the fuck up!

most of the comments are literally just durza being put on trial for his shenanigans

Crimes I have committed:

pencil chewing

the queen of sameria copypasta (never again)

eating pineapple pizza


making like, a lot of topics on forum

getting anarchy role in AOFP

just the fact alone I’m in AOFP should be a crime (that applies to everyone else in the server :sleeper:)

yea I’m really dubious and naughty guys trust :nod: :smiling_imp:

Durza literally studied his magic in a tower for over 30 years. He knew how strong he was.

Plus, how do you excuse what he did in the First Sea after?

How do you excuse AO’s protagonist destroying 2 families? We litteraly killed dude’s kids (if you choose not to spare Elius and Carina). + We killed Revon’s brother and then beat him on the beach. And even better, we caused war between 2 kingdoms which is way worse than minds of dozens wizards.

It doesn’t means that he knew what his strenght is capable to do, cuz nobody before him destroyed the world. He was the first, so he had no example and no idea that this is possible.

And the most funniest thing about it is that we came to Elius’s island ourself, just like Durza came to fight with Theos, so both Durza and AO’s protagonist knew what they are doing when they are going to kill someone.

Elius was a choice, Carina we didn’t finish off. Plus, they provoked us.

Calvus was a corrupt king, he deserved it. We did a non-fatal attack on Revon, but that was also provoked.

A ticking time-bomb, we merely sped it up. Plus, it was involuntarily, Durza destroyed the minds of a dozen wizards knowing full well what he was doing and why he was doing it.

“no idea that this is possible”
since i wont be able to get you to agree that he knew, ill just rest this point.

We didn’t go to Elius’s island to kill somebody, we came to investigate why scouts had dragged a bleeding man through a town. Where are you getting this?

did this guy completely forget beringer

so uh

is this like a new canon forum event in the making or-

Carina will die if you don’t spare Elius. If you chosed to kill, you will be killing everyone in the future aswell.