The Forum's Nemesis: Voting/Selection Phase

OIL OR BOYLE!!! :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:

Oh boyle!

Everyone really wants Boyle huh
@Goopman you’d better get ready

We need Boyle lore

boyle lore

Poor collier. It’s Boyle time. Let’s get boyling

i just realised that since boyle has magma magic their name kinda fits

Who’s gonna tell him?

Poor guy, he’ll never get an end to this

Also since it’s clear Boyle is going to win, guess I’ll set the next part up tomorrow

Somehow zero people have voted for Glass so far, guess he’s the least favorite NPC of the submissions

when we gonna get to the boyle distribution phase

theres nothing saying it cant be right now :angel:

I mean, yeah. You own the NPC, you’re the one who has to share him to other people anyways

The anguished boylers, the courageous boylers…

Yall got a rival?

Voting is done already
Here’s the next part

I got no enemies.

boyle can fix that

I chose the vitality hybrids.

Boil boy

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