The Forum's Nemesis: Voting/Selection Phase

Moving on to the next phase of the process: voting.

Based on the submissions, we will choose an NPC to be the forum’s nemesis NPC. You can choose your three favorite NPCs from the list of submissions. The poll will close in a few days, the timing of which depends on how divided the votes are. If there is a tie, tiebreaker polls will be held.

New NPCs can be submitted, and will be added to the poll, but just know that they will have the disadvantage of being added later on.

Candidates for the poll can be viewed here:

Which NPC do you want to be the forum’s nemesis rival?
  • Fry (Knight outfit)
  • Glass
  • Walker
  • Henderson
  • Colon
  • Snyder
  • Tanner
  • Fry (Cowboy outfit)
  • Gill (Sailor outfit)
  • Boyle
  • Gill (Samurai outfit)
  • Collier
  • Hayes
0 voters

if it’s not boyle it’s not right

So called “free thinkers” when Boyle is one of the options

I’m not sure why everyone’s going for him but alright
He’s still a good NPC though

People just find the name Boyle funny

henderson has to win, they’re perfect, they have sailor fist and cannon fist with the sailor outfit, they literally are the odyssey

Quite literally, yeah. I got her cause of her sailor-sailor outfit and FS, and then she got cannon fist after I had made her rival. Pretty on-point theming with her.
Though, it seems people like Boyle more so far.

Still, you can have her if you want

OIL OR BOYLE!!! :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:

Oh boyle!

Everyone really wants Boyle huh
@Goopman you’d better get ready

We need Boyle lore

boyle lore

Poor collier. It’s Boyle time. Let’s get boyling

i just realised that since boyle has magma magic their name kinda fits

Who’s gonna tell him?

Poor guy, he’ll never get an end to this

Also since it’s clear Boyle is going to win, guess I’ll set the next part up tomorrow

Somehow zero people have voted for Glass so far, guess he’s the least favorite NPC of the submissions

when we gonna get to the boyle distribution phase

theres nothing saying it cant be right now :angel:

I mean, yeah. You own the NPC, you’re the one who has to share him to other people anyways

The anguished boylers, the courageous boylers…