The four fighting methods

You may fight with Elemental Magic, Fighting Styles, Weapons, or Potions.

That sounds wrong, doesn’t it? Well it’s right.
Spirit Weapons are a class of weapons, and potions can be used to fight.

You’d think something else would have that sort of crossover, like another build stat benefitting from a special kind of magic.
That would have been a lot cooler for Vitality than being destroyed.

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this is just the wiki being weird, spirit weapons really should get their own page

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Oh no, no no no no no.
First of all, they do have their own page.

Secondly, that’s completely correct. Spirit Weapons are weapons, it’s even in the name. They are coded in the same way as weapons.

I would have quite honestly been mad if they made a different navigator just for spirit weapons.

the name doesn’t mean it is one, i could say someone has a magic fighting style or that their weapon is magic but that doesn’t make magic a fighting style or a weapon in the strength or weapon build sense

because they’re equipable? if that’s the determiner then magic and fighting styles are also the same thing, both non-equipable things that you make your own moves for

and what i mean is that spirit weapons just shouldn’t be part of this table, they don’t use the weapons stat and aren’t part of weapon builds, why are they here


Because in function, and purpose, they are weapons.

I kid you not, (and this shouldn’t come as a surprise) it uses the exact same code as any other weapon.

The only exceptions are that you can’t enchant it, you can’t swap moves, and you can’t use an M1.

The way the game is programmed, there is no difference between the two beyond that.

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fstyles are coded in the same way as magic btw, what makes them different according to your logic

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Well, there are many similarities, but they are more based in similarities than physical equality.

A fighting style has things like mastery, mentors, and a different tab in the menu.

i dont get this whats the problem here

alright so obtainment is different but what about all the other factors + you are yet to address the message i linked

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There are four stat builds, and one of them isn’t on there, but potions is.

I already dealt with your crap. Get out with that. I’m trying to explain my point to somebody who isn’t a brick wall.

everything’s purpose is as a weapon in this game, and magic and fighting styles are both coded the same as well with being able to create your own moves. saying that things are the same because they’re coded the same also sounds kinda silly to me, it’s all the same game, they aren’t going to use a completely different coding style for each stat. i mean, aside from some code being added to let you customise it, what’s the different between a magic blast and a spirit blast? if it’s a blast-like move, why wouldn’t they just use blast-like coding and reskin it with a different model and maybe a different hitbox?

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tf you mean brickwall i’ve given a response to each of your points and you keep ignoring and looping between them :sob:

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Fighting Styles and Spirit Weapons are in a similar boat, I will give you. Magic and Weapons were in World of Magic, but not Fighting or Spirit, and they were both built from the ground that one was built on previously, but fighting styles don’t take up the same slots as magic, they don’t slide into the same category as magic, they don’t have the same learning methods as magic, and they have their own unique mechanics.
A Spirit Weapon is no less a weapon than a Strength Weapon, as a Strength Weapon encompasses all the differences a Spirit Weapon may have with a Weapon.

yep, they were both made to be parallels to the other two stats, similar but different

this is true, but it should be changed, because why should knights just get less slots for no reason?

i’d hardly call mastery a mechanic, or at least not a defining one, it’s just so people don’t constantly change their fighting style, and magic’s getting their version too with having to go to the dark sea to change it. and both magics and fighting styles are gonna have scrolls for lost and ancient obtainment, so that’s the same as well. actually, on the subject of obtainment, weapons do have unique obtainment compared to spirit weapons, that being the ability to be found in chests, while spirit weapons will have exclusively minibosses and apparently other things (perhaps treasure hunts? and i mean specific ones, not just getting it from a treasure chart chest) planned for getting them

no, a spirit weapon is a specific stat’s main way of attacking and essential for one of the pure builds, a strength weapon is for one hybrid build to use if they want
one is a basic necessity, the other is an extra cool thing, at least at this stage in development

i’m going to bed now so i can’t continue this if you reply, but saying a spirit weapon that uses just vitality and 0 weapon stat is the same thing as a warrior weapon and grouping it together with all of them is just wrong

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I see some truth in the first few things, but the last one is where I see the problem. Just because it’s essential for a build doesn’t mean it doesn’t share a basis in weapons. Just because it has more availability than strength weapons, doesn’t make it any more special.

my brother in christ, tell me what class is forced to exclusively use strength weapons, by that logic oracles should have access to normal weapons

i don’t mean they don’t share a basis, magic and fighting styles share a basis, just that spirit weapons aren’t a subsection of weapons

it is the main thing for one of the four stats in the game, imagine comparing strength weapons to fighting styles and saying they’re just as pertinent, or arcanium weapons to weapons

i’m going to bed actually now

there are TWO fighting methods


its aa all over again