The four fighting methods

I am not speaking on the level of importance, I’m talking about the programming composition of it.

holy shit please just let it go i don’t get how ur still yapping about this


I just wanted to bring it up in passing, I didn’t expect to have to re-explain the whole thing and still be called wrong on the topic of an observable factually-explainable thing.

literally no one agrees with you and plenty of others have brought up reasons why ur wrong but u refuse to listen

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see guys,

I told you the massive arguments I got into with stocksounds aren’t my fault!

Is the sky green to you as well?
You can see it!


your magics are in slots, just like weapons

your fighting styles are in slots, just like weapons

you cant have any more than three of either

there is only one fighting method, weapons

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This isn’t a theory, this isn’t a hypothetical. Spirit Weapons have near-identical programming to any other type of weapon.

No way you’re starting this argument up again

How is it even an argument? Tell me how. It’s identical!

4 Class paths but they all lead to the same 2 roads

How many times do we have to tell you old man, spirit weapons aren’t weapons

Spirit weapons are just casting circles for spirit energy

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Every day stocksounds feels more and more like a bait account


Well actually now that you mention it fighting styles are a type of magic

You after 2 hours on the forums:

I mean there’s only 1 Rite available, and we only have Patrimony.

We’ll have to see if Staff of Night decides to have 1-3 new Basic Rites to swap between the two. And that’s assuming the Basic Rites between them are compatible too.



Where did you even get the thought process to remotely start comparing the two. .??

Is it because you’re looking at Lion’s Halberd with Seismic Slash or something???


Plus the two could not be more different than another in their respective areas. .

??? ???

What do you mean by Spirit Weps having more availability than Str Weps, doesn’t make it any more special??

Did you read up on what Spirit Weps are planned to do . .?


I got distracted with something else and now my energy is sapped atm. aaaaa

Have fun aiming harming bursts with the size of a savant and speed of metal

everything has similar programming, it’s the same game coded by one person, a blast will be coded like a blast no matter the stat

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