The four fighting methods

Strength weapons still play like weapons, these are all superficial similarities that do not render weapons and spirit weapons the same. Again, for the millionth time, if they did fs and magic should be considered the same as well. If other rites come out and spirit weapons do just end up playing extremely similarly if not the same as weapons then sure you’d be right, but until then, if that ever happens, we shouldn’t be jumping the gun and immediately start marking them as the same thing as weapons.

Your points are mostly “but fighting styles are the same as magic, but I’m also not gonna let you be right if you agree with that.”

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Its mostly just pointing out that your argument is inconsistent and self-defeating.


It’s really not.


“It’s for a different stat build” doesn’t make it a different kind of item!

23/24 people disagree with you so far.
The 24th is you, of course.

i had to do it


Me to myself listening to everybody disagree with something I thought was obvious :pensive: (pensive face of irony)

dont feel bad stock, the wiki (and rb1) has brainwashed you

shut the fuck up-

wait does the wiki group spirit weapons with normal weapons?

rb1 didn’t brainwash stock, stock is rb1


idk i was joking

Fun fact: I’m not the one who decided that spirit weapon should count as a weapon on the wiki, but I did give it the weapon template. I think everyone else was waiting for a unique one, but the weapon template works.

To this day, the “Obtained By” section still says “Speaking to Morden”

I don’t want to insult people but I can’t tell who is more unintelligent out of Sosogamer or Stocksounds.

@Sosogamer16YT2 @StockSounds me personally i wouldnt let that slide

I would, it means it’s debatable and not automatically me.